St. Kitts – Nevis Informnation Training Centre
Photo By Erasmus Williams
Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
July 23, 2008 (CUOPM)
St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas is hailing the success to date of his government’s continued development of the information and communication technology capabilities of its people.
Prime Minister Douglas said not only are persons with a secondary and tertiary level education has access to training at the newly-established National Information and Communications Technology Center, but also workers on the industrial estates who are trained free of cost.
He said with the completion of the establishment of computer labs in both primary and secondary schools and the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College, the Republic of China on Taiwan-financed National Information and Communications Technology Centre at the C.A. Paul Southwell Industrial Park, has trained over 500 persons in the past seven months.
“Some 143 civil servants have been trained in e-administration or e-government, Webmail, Website, SPSS Course and Word, Excel, Access ““ Fundamentals for Works. Twenty (20) teachers have been trained in Capacity Building for Technology in Schools; 45 persons from the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College have been trained in Creating E-Commerce Websites; and 40 workers from the industrial sites have been trained in Word processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, etc,” Dr. Douglas, who is also Minister of Information and Technology disclosed.