Nevis Leads The Way In Senior Citizen Care

Nevis Senior Citizens In Prayer

Nevis Senior Citizens In Prayer

Charlestown, Nevis
October 01, 2008

Minister with responsibility for Social Transformation on Nevis Hon. Hensley Daniel told senior citizens from across the island on October 01, that while the international community celebrated them the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) lead the way in their care and wellbeing.

The Minister was at the time delivering an address at a celebratory luncheon and exhibition at the Occasions Center, Pinneys, organised by the Department of Social Development, Senior Citizens Division, to mark the start of a month long celebration on Nevis.

Mr. Daniel pointed to a number of areas to support his claim and cited that under his stewardship; a fully functional Senior Citizens Division was established within the Department; a team of Home Help Care Workers who cared for those who were unable to assist themselves were all established.

He further explained that outreach programmes for senior citizens at the Butlers Community Centre and Flats Mandela Centre had been instituted with similar plans for other parishes on the drawing board.

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Nevis Island’s Inaugural Drag Race a Major Success!

Spectators At Nevis Island's Drag Strip

Spectators At Nevis Island’s Drag Strip

Charlestown, Nevis
September 23, 2008

Over 5000 motor sport enthusiasts from several countries of the Caribbean attended the Inaugural Car and Motorcycle Race at the new St. James Drag Raceway on Nevis, Friday afternoon.

The drag race was the largest ever sporting event to be staged on the island.

The quarter mile race track, believed to be one of the regions finest, had participating cars and motorcycles from Nevis, St.Kitts, the British Virgin Islands and other countries of the region.

The track was built at a cost of $3 Million and official sources say that already there has been a significant return on that investment, as several local vendors, guest house owners, car rental agents , bus drivers, taxi drivers and restaurant owners all enjoyed good business as a result of the well-patronised event.

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Nevis Drag Strip Could Help Local Economy

una clarke

Former US Congress Woman Una Clarke

Charlestown, Nevis
September 22, 2008

Former United States Congress Woman Dr. the Hon. Una Clarke, welcomed the new the Drag Racing facility on Nevis and cited it would become a worldwide tourist attraction and create jobs. She made the comment at the inaugural races on September 22, 2008, when she spoke with the Department of Information.

Mrs. Clarke who was on the island as a guest of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) for the Federation’s 25th anniversary of Independence celebrations, said she would not have missed the opportunity to experience the races first hand.

“This attraction will bring people from all over the world who are interested in drag race or any other kind of race. It’s a tourist attraction and it will over the years create jobs, bring new visitors and that is what we want to do is to be able to be a showpiece,” she said.

Mrs. Clarke described the race track as a beautiful one which would grow from strength to strength. She also congratulated those with the vision to make the track a reality.

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Nevis Island Makes Drag Racing Strip A Reality

Nevis Island Drag Strip

Drag Car On Nevis Island Drag Strip

Charlestown, Nevis
September 17, 2008

The Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) led Nevis Island Administration(NIA) has made another manifesto  promise a reality, with the official opening of the St. James Drag Race Strip.

Premier Joseph Parry in declaring the new track open at New River, in the Parish of St.James, said the track was for the people of Nevis, particularly   the young people!

“My administration has displayed that we care for the young people of Nevis by facilitating training programs which were recently undertaken by 17 persons who received the opportunity to learn masonry, carpentry, plumbing and a host of other skills. Now we the (NIA) have facilitated a drag strip, to keep the young men occupied and skilled,” articulated Premier Parry.

The St.James Drag strip which came at a cost of EC$ 3million will provide an opportunity to business persons from Butlers, Bricklyn and Zion to gain tremendously from the race track as residents will be able to sell food, accommodations and mechanic services.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Faring Well In Current Economy

St. Kitts - Nevis Economy

St. Kitts – Nevis Economy Fares Well

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
September 06, 2008 (SKNIS)

Economic prospects in St. Kitts and Nevis are forecasted to be positive in the upcoming year in spite of global challenges and this is attributed to the resilience of the economy.

“There has been a significant slowing down of growth in international economies but we [the local economy] have continued to grow. Perhaps not at the level of growth rates we would like, but given the current climate, any growth rate above zero is quite good and we are “¦ averaging about three percent [growth],” Former Financial Secretary (FS) Wendell Lawrence told SKNIS.

Mr. Lawrence held the FS post in the Ministry of Finance from 1989 to 2005, before becoming Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis to CARICOM, the OECS and ACS. He indicated that the continued diversification of the economy and other government policies targeting business growth as well as the empowerment of citizens have had a stabilizing effect.

“We have had a sugar monoculture for many years and much of our resources were tied up in sugar production,” Ambassador Lawrence said. “To the extent that we have been able to move out of sugar without having gone into a recession is indicative of the fact that key stakeholders in the private sector have been responding to the challenges,” he added, citing factors such as the general increase in the price of oil, rising food costs and a worsening credit crisis.

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