St. Kitts – Nevis IT Training Scholarships

IT Training Scholarships In St. Kitts – Nevis Charlestown, Nevis September 05, 2008 Attached is a copy of an ad which appeared in the local newspapers. The ad is inviting Citizens of St. Kitts-Nevis to apply for scholarships/awards for IT …

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UK’s Excel Airways Cancel St. Kitts Flights

Excel (XL) Airways Jet

Excel (XL) Airways Jet

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
August 26, 2008

Excel Airways has announced that they will cease operations on all of their six Caribbean routes for this coming winter due to adverse market conditions. XL currently provides airlift services to St Kitts, Antigua, St. Lucia, Barbados, Grenada and Tobago from London. The weekly flight from Gatwick will fly for the last time on Monday November 3rd 2009. Managing Director Martin Lock said “The Caribbean routes’ lack of profitability has been a challenge for XL Airways over recent months.

The main factors causing this are the extremely high fuel prices which result in long haul routes bearing very high costs compared to 6 months ago.

There has also been a serious downturn in the UK economy leading to lower demand for flights and holidays and again, because of their higher prices, the long haul routes from the UK are seeing even more of a softening of demand than short haul.

This weaker demand has lead to XL Airways having to keep our prices competitive as we try and attract more customers.

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Nevis Drag Racing Strip Touted As Tops In The Caribbean

Nevis Island Drag Racing Strip

Nevis Island’s New Drag Racing Strip

Charlestown, Nevis
August 19, 2008

Minister and Area Representative for the St. Pauls constituency Hon. Robelto Hector, described the drag racing track under construction at New River, as one that would meet international standards and be ranked among the best in the Caribbean. The track is earmarked for completion by the end of August.

The Minister made the disclosure when he spoke with the Department of Information on August 18, 2008. He said the though the project was a campaign promise, it was also designed to remove racing from the streets of Nevis into a safer environment, to provide employment and to expand on the island’s tourism product.

“During the campaign of 2006 we sought of introduced drag racing as a sport to the general public. We felt here was an opportunity for us to introduce it as a sport at the same time it had great implications in terms of the tourism product that can be expanding and so on coming into government we set about making this a reality.

“Drag racing is an effort to take racing off the road and to give an avenue for youngsters to develop themselves and to practice racing as a sport. In getting the facility now at New River, it is an opportunity for this to be a reality,” he said.

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Nevis Minister Praised For Fisheries Complex

Nevis Cooperative Director- Samuel Powell

Nevis Cooperative Director- Samuel Powell

Charlestown, Nevis
July 30, 2008

Minister of Agriculture in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Robelto Hector, received high commendations from other officials for his instrumentality in the refurbishment of the Nevis Fishermen Marketing and Supply Cooperative Society Limited.

This came at the Cooperative’s opening ceremony on Tuesday July 29, 2008, under a tent setup for the occasion at Market Street in Charlestown.

Minister Hector, who spoke at the ceremony, recorded the NIA’s commitment to the fishing industry on Nevis.

“As a government, we are focused on increasing income of our fishermen.  We are determined to increase employment in the sector, so too we seek to achieve greater consistency of our fish supply and better quality.  We also seek to strengthen our export potential,” Minister Hector said.

The Minister also appealed to the fishermen and the general public, by extension, to offer support to the Cooperative and its efforts.

“As a sector directly related to the tourism product, we are committed to ensure that the correct synergy exists.  I call on you as food providers to rise to the challenge of ensuring that Nevisians are fed.  I call on you to continue to assist in ensuring our food security.  I must say to you fellow fishers, your trade represents one of the oldest professions.  It is a profession we are proud of and we want you to continue to feel that pride,” he said.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Praises Guyana’s Fight Against AIDS

St. Kitts - Nevis' Prime Minister Douglas

St. Kitts – Nevis’ Prime Minister Douglas
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
July 30, 2008 (CUOPM)

St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas has lauded Guyana’s efforts to ensure that other Caribbean countries also benefit and expressed hope that other Heads of Government would support plans to raise funds to tackle HIV/AIDS in the region.

A press release from Georgetown printed in the Starbroek News said Prime Minister Douglas lauded the efforts of Guyana’s Minister of Health Dr. the Hon. Leslie Ramsammy’ to include other states besides Guyana and Haiti as they have set the stage for middle income regional states to receive assistance.

Guyana was also recognised as the first country in the region to provide free anti-retroviral treatment for persons living with the infection and continues to be one of few states to offer such a programme.

However, it has been noted that stigma and discrimination against persons living with the disease continues to be an area of concern in the Caribbean.

Dr. Douglas who is lead Head responsible for Health and Humanity Services in the Caribbean Community made these comments at the recent CARICOM Summit.

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