Nevis Premier To Attend Caribbean Community Conference

Nevis Island Premier – Joseph Parry Charlestown, Nevis June 26th, 2008 Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry and the Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Ashley Farrell, will be travelling to Antigua to attend the Twenty-Ninth meeting of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) …

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Nevis Premier Says 1 On 1 Meetings Successful

Nevis Premier Parry With Citizen

Nevis’ Premier Parry Meets With Citizen.

Charlestown, Nevis
June 25, 2008

Premier of Nevis Hon. Joseph Parry described his four month old weekly One on One meeting with Nevisians as successful and rewarding. He told the Department of Information in an interview on June 25, 2008, that he had seen hundreds of persons since the initiative commenced on February 13, 2008.

The One on One meetings as they have become known has allowed members of the public to have easier access to the Premier in an informal setting at the Cotton Ginnery Mall, a central location in Charlestown.

“I initiated this programme to meet with Nevisians every Wednesday morning once I am on the island and it has gone very well. The purpose of it was to take the stress off persons who had to make appointments to come and see me. I prefer to have an informal meeting downtown where people just come in and we try to deal with their problems.

“I would say that I see about 15-20 Nevisians every time and so for every month I am seeing about 80 Nevisans. It has gone extremely well and people have expressed satisfaction with the service, if I may call it a service, that has been given and I am very pleased to be able to interact with them in an informal fashion. So I think it is a win, win situation. It has been very, very rewarding,” he said.

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Leadership Is Requried For St. Kitts – Nevis Growth

Labour Meeting At Marriott Resort

Labour Meeting At Marriott Resort
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
May 27, 2008 (CUOPM)

Political Leader of the governing St. Kitts – Nevis Labour Party, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas says the major ingredient required to keep the wheels of change in the twin-island Federation moving in the right direction is experienced and tested leadership.

He recently told the 76th Annual Conference of his governing St. Kitts – Nevis Labour Party that the wheels of change have been turning since the Party assumed office in 1995.

“They have propelled St. Kitts and Nevis to the higher echelons of the United Nations Human Development Index. Today I stand tall and you can stand tall and beat your chest,” said Prime Minister Douglas.

He said the Labour Party Administration has been transforming the St. Kitts and Nevis economy from a sugar mono-culture to a well diversified and integrated service-oriented economy.  “We are transporting our people to new vistas of opportunity and progress,” said Prime Minister Douglas, who warned of persons who would want to stop the wheels of progress.

“Do not be fooled I warn you, by those who would have you stop the wheels of change to attempt to start them again. They will only take you in the wrong direction. In these challenging times in which we find ourselves, the major ingredient required to keep the wheels of change moving in the right direction is experienced and tested leadership,” said Prime Minister Douglas.

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