Nevis Boosts Economy By Buying Local Foods

Local Nevis Vegetables and Fruits

Local Caribbean Vegetables and Fruits

Nevis Boosts Economy By Buying Local Foods

Charlestown, Nevis
May 14, 2008

Director of Agriculture on Nevis Dr. Kelvin Daly applauded Nevisians for their efforts to utilse local agricultural produce. He said the public’s response to a buy local, produce local and eat local campaign of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) through the Department of Agriculture in 2007, had so far been overwhelming.
He made the disclosure during a recent interview with the Department of Information. He said too that there had been a number of new farmers who had come on board and continued to come forward, who had expressed their intention to move into commercial farming.
“Since 2007 when we really started in earnest, to encourage local production the response has been really overwhelming. We have a number of new farmers who have come on board and they continue to come forward”¦these are guys are looking to get to commercial size. The backyard quarter acre is not sufficient for them anymore so they are looking for two and three and four acres to plant food,” he said.
The Director noted that to date the island had done fairly well in the area of self sufficiency in a number of crops notably tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkins, squash, sweet corn and in some areas of meat production
Dr. Daly explained that the NIA through the Department of Agriculture had put a number of measures in place to facilitate farmers in particular the new ones for an increase and sustained production.

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Nevis Premier Asks For More Locally Grown Produce

Nevis' Premier Parry With Vendors

Nevis’ Premier Parry With Market Vendors

Charlestown, Nevis
April 25, 2008

“We have to look at the cost of food and the rising cost of living in general. The government has taken steps by reducing land prices and we are also taking steps in reducing duty on a number of items; but we must grow more food and find more ways and means to reduce the cost of living,” said Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry.

Premier Parry made the address at the Fourteenth Annual Open Day Agricultural Fair at the Villa Grounds of the Charlestown Secondary School.  He did the honours on behalf of Minister of Agriculture, Hon Robelto Hector, who was in Japan attending to government business.

Local and Taiwanese fruits and vegetables, Caribbean Cuisine and livestock will be on display on Friday, April 25th following Thursday’s formal opening. This year’s theme is “Micro Farming: The Driving force for Agriculture: Past, Present and Future.”

The Patron this year is 95 year old Mr. George Sutton of Butlers Village,  who, in his heyday, worked as an Agricultural Officer/ Supervisor at Eden Browne, Maddens, New River, Potworks and a number of other estates around the island.

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Nevis Needs More Roads For Strong Economy

Nevis' Minister Daniel On Backhoe

Nevis’ Minister Daniel On Backhoe

Charlestown Nevis
April 17, 2008

Economic Growth demands additional investments in roads says Nevis’ Minister of Social Transformation.

The Joseph Parry Administration continued to positively impact the lives of the people of Nevis as residents of Cox and surrounding areas, will be outfitted with an improved network of village roads.
Area representative for  St. Johns Constituency and Minister of Social Transformation and Community Development the Hon. Hensley Daniel who is also a resident of Cox, had the honor to break ground to signal the official start of the project. The ceremony took place at the Gazebo in Cox on Wednesday April 16, 2008. 
Minister Daniel said the construction of the road from Pancho to Chicken Stone was vital to the delivery of goods and services and would decrease the cost of vehicle maintenance.
He pointed out that no major road improvement, road construction or repairs had taken place in these areas for the last 30 years and it was an opportune time to do a total road rehabilitation.

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Nevis Villa Owners To Be Taxed

Charlestown, Nevis
April 15, 2008
“The business of Government is not just about revenue and the collection of taxes, but it is about development of the country. Our government is just 25 years old this year and Nevis is fairly young. We are in a position to be called a developing country, a country which needs investment, infrastructure and development of services,” said Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Joseph Parry.

The Premier was at the time speaking at a Town Hall meeting at the Nevis Cultural Centre on Monday, April 7th, 2008.The meeting was held by the Nevis Island Administration in collaboration with the Nevis Island Revenue Service to discuss the Property Tax Bill, 2007 as part of the Governments policy of inclusion and transparency.

This tax seeks to modernize the property tax law of Nevis, by introducing the market value as the valuation standard for most properties in Nevis.

The first reading of this Bill took place in November 2007, in the Nevis Island Assembly Chambers at Hamilton House in Charlestown. The Town Hall meeting was held before the second reading to get opinions, questions and feedback from the general public before the second reading of the said bill.

The Nevis Island Administration believes that this will result in greater tax equity and it will also facilitate the computerization of property valuation and taxation in Nevis.

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Nevis Benefits From Relationship With Taiwan

Charlestown, Nevis
April 11, 2008

Premier of Nevis the Hon. Joseph Parry said he was very pleased with the assistance that the Nevis Island government had received from Taiwan over the past years.  The Premier made the remark in a statement on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at his Bath Plain office.
“I first visited Taiwan back in 1984 just after diplomatic relations were established with St. Kitts and Nevis. We have been very fortunate to have a government like Taiwan.  The Taiwanese have made considerable contributions to the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, but I speak in particular to Nevis.
“They have established an agricultural station here in Nevis which we sorely needed.  They have done a lot of work in experimentation in a variety of crops and our farmers have benefited, and we are expecting our farmers to continue to benefit.  The Taiwanese have also been involved in offering many scholarships which our people have taken up,” the Premier stated.

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