Charlestown, Nevis
April 17, 2008
Junior Minister with responsibility for Works, Public Utilities, Natural Resources and the Environment in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Carlisle Powell, told villagers of the St. Johns Parish that they could tick off another promise from the list in the People’s Agenda when their 3.5 mile road project is completed in mid 2009.
The Minister was at the time expressing complementary sentiments to Area Representative Hon. Hastings Daniel at a ceremony at the gazebo in Cox Village, to break ground which signaled the start of a $15.9million dollar project by contractors National Piling Ltd.
“You have suffered much; your representative the Honourable Hensley Daniel and my government led by Premier Joseph Parry are here to deliver to you a new standard of road that will lift the spirits of the people.
“You elected Minister Daniel to look after your affairs. I say to you that the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) and Minister Daniel are here to deliver on yet another promise. Tick of another promise from the list in the people’s Agenda,” he said.
The People’s Agenda was the manifesto of the NRP during the 2006 elections. It was later tabled in the Nevis Island Assembly to be used as a working document for the NIA.
Mr. Powell noted that when the new Administration took up office 21 months ago, he became painfully aware that there were several miles of village roads in Nevis that were left to deteriorate under the previous government. Notwithstanding, the current administration was making every effort to make serious improvements to the road network over time.
He listed a number of the major road works that had received attention so far and pointed to the 5.3miles of the Island Main Road from Market Shop in Gingerland to the St. James Anglican Church; 3.5 miles of new roads in Jessups, Barnes Ghaut and Cotton Ground and the current construction of 2miles of roads in Charlestown to improve the road network in Ramsbury, Hamilton, Government Road, Stoney Grove and the Stoney Grove by pass.
“This afternoon we have come to Cox to mark the start of construction of 3.5miles of road and drainage works. This NRP government has chosen the firm of National Piling so very ably led by the quiet, unassuming but very competent Mr. Joshi to do the work in St. Johns.
“Similar to other projects on Nevis done by National Piling, the contractor will not only build the 3.5miles of roads in this project but will also provide financing at some $15.9 at a very concessionary rate. The People of St. johns will get no less than the people of Barnes Ghaut, Jessups and Cotton Ground got. This road will also be 16 feet of asphalt and another two feet of concrete that is usable,” he said.
Mr. Powell explained that the government was aware that sections of the road, especially in the area of Clay Ghaut, were prone to flooding and as such the road would be elevated and done in concrete.
He said too that the drainage problems would be addressed with the installation of culverts, box and slipper drains. Attention would also be given to the two major junctions in Chicken Stone and Cole Hill.
On completion of the Chicken Stone to Cole Hill via Cox he said the government would have completed a “whopping 14.3 miles of road”.
“Our record of road construction is unequaled in the history of any government in Nevis. By the end of our second year in office, this NRP government would have fixed more roads than the previous government did in their entire 14 years in office. That is in keeping with our promise of making life better for all Nevisians,” he said.