Nevis Education Official Calls On Students To Push Their Limits

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 03, 2007)
A top official in the Department of Education on Nevis issued a call to students on Nevis to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and to work towards the incentives offered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) and the Nevis Island Administration.
Mrs. Jennifer Hodge, Principal Education Officer on Nevis made the call recently when she gave an update to the Government Information Service on changes made in the regional examination.
“Government is offering full scholarships in areas of need such as in Mathematics, Science and in particularly Chemistry and Physics, in the technical/vocational areas including technical drawing and metal works,” she said.
Mrs. Hodge noted that Nevisian students had made their mark and had a record of excellence and it was important that they continued to receive continued encouragement and support to strive for excellence.

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Nevis Island – Nevis West Indies – A Description

There’s something about this small, sombrero-shaped island that grabs you. The charm and tranquility of Nevis takes you back to a time when things were simpler, when life was more peaceful, when stress was just a word, not a way of life.

This 36-square-mile island lies near the top of the Lesser Antilles archipelago, about 200 miles south of Puerto Rico, and just west of Antigua. This island jewel is approximately 7 miles long and 5 miles wide, with natural vegetation that is unparalleled.

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Nevis Premier Calls For Patriotism Ahead Of Personal Interests

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (December 27, 2006)
Premier of Nevis the Hon. Joseph Parry reminded Nevisians of the need to put the interest of Nevis ahead of personal interests since the island belong to all regardless of age, gender, race, religion or political persuasion.
Mr. Parry made the comment while he delivered his Christmas message on December 25, 2006. The televised speech on NTV Channel 8, was his first as Premier since the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) took up office five months ago.
According to Mr. Parry, last Christmas the island of Nevis was in the middle of a political campaign and as such the island was divided along party lines but the electorate had since spoken and the time had come for healing.

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Nevis Government Issues Warning To Illegal Sand Miners

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (December 21, 2006)
Illegal sand mining continues to be of grave concern to officials of the Ministry of Physical Planning and issued a warning that persons caught involved in this activity, risked prosecution for violation of the environmental protection laws of St. Kitts and Nevis and called for the public’s assistance to apprehend perpetrators.

The warning came from Mr. Ernie Stapleton, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Physical Planning Natural Resources and the Environment, in an interview with the Government Information Service, while on a site visit at Dogwood Estate on the south coast of Nevis, on Thursday December 21, 2006.

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