West Indies Cricket Needs Strategic Plan

By Daniel Singh – January 05, 2007

Any discussion on the future of cricket must take into consideration, among other things, the origin and causes of its decline in the first place, as well as what are the present circumstances that are leading to continuing poor performances of the team.

There is no single cause for the continuing decline of West Indies cricket over the years and, similarly, there can be no universal panacea that will bring about a revival of the game in the region and, hence, the team’s performances.

There are many issues that have been raised from time to time, and which have been posited as reasons for causing the decline in West Indies cricket. These include leadership problems, lack of proper coaching programmes, declining regional and local cricket standards, and certainly not the least, inadequate finances.

Many have also attempted to pass the blame on the influence of North American sports, but while that may be a minimal contributing factor, it is only a superficial way of excusing those at the West Indies Cricket Board level who hold the keys to any turn around that could be possible.

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Nevis Social Policies Play Role In Economic Growth

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, JANUARY 4TH 2007 (CUOPM) The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis will hold fast to social policies that positively influence or impact economic growth and development in the pursuit of sustainable economic growth. “We must ensure that …

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Nevis Tourism Industry To Benefit From Declining Crime Rate

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 04, 2007)
Top Cop in the Nevis Police Division Superintendent Joseph Liburd said the island’s Tourism Industry and the economy, by extension, stood to benefit from the declining crime rate on Nevis.
Mr. Liburd made the observation on Wednesday January 03, 2007 during an interview with the Department of Information at his Charlestown office. He said at the end of 2006, the Police had recorded a 7.2 percent decline in crime over that of 2005 and the crime detection rate had moved from 46 percent in 2005 to 50 percent at the end of 2006.
“I would say the reduction in crime augurs well for the island of Nevis, the tourism industry and the economic situation because if crime is increasing and it is out of control than the tourists would not want to come to anyplace where crime is out of control and it would affect the economic situation of any country.
“Around this time when almost everywhere [in the world] you go, people are crying out about an increase in crime, Nevis can boast there is a decrease in crime and not only a decrease but also more importantly, an increase in the detection of those crimes that have been reported,” he said.

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Carib Beer Cricket Series

Close of Play Summaries – Round 1, Day 1 BARBADOS V TRINIDAD & TOBAGO   CRAB HILL, Barbados – Barbados, replying to Trinidad & Tobago’s first innings total of 273, were seven without loss when stumps were drawn on the …

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The Drifters In Nevis – Saint Kitts

First and second year students at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC), the Sixth Form at the Charlestown Secondary School and Fifth formers at high schools in the twin-island Federation have been invited by Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas to be his special guest at “The Drifters in Concert” on Sunday 7th January.

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