By Daniel Singh – January 05, 2007
Any discussion on the future of cricket must take into consideration, among other things, the origin and causes of its decline in the first place, as well as what are the present circumstances that are leading to continuing poor performances of the team.
There is no single cause for the continuing decline of West Indies cricket over the years and, similarly, there can be no universal panacea that will bring about a revival of the game in the region and, hence, the team’s performances.
There are many issues that have been raised from time to time, and which have been posited as reasons for causing the decline in West Indies cricket. These include leadership problems, lack of proper coaching programmes, declining regional and local cricket standards, and certainly not the least, inadequate finances.
Many have also attempted to pass the blame on the influence of North American sports, but while that may be a minimal contributing factor, it is only a superficial way of excusing those at the West Indies Cricket Board level who hold the keys to any turn around that could be possible.