Nevis Premier To Table Draft Estimates For 2013

Nevis Premier - Vance Amory

Nevis Premier – Vance Amory

Charlestown, Nevis
April 25, 2013

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory will table the Draft Estimates for 2013, when the Nevis Island Assemblymeets at the Assembly’s Chambers at Hamilton House, Samuel Hunkins Drive on April 26, 2013. The announcement was made by Clerk of the Assembly Ms. Shemica Maloney on the circulated Order Paper.

According to the Paper dated April 19, 2013, the Assembly will commence at 10:00 a.m. with the Formal entry of the Nevis Island Assembly’s President Mr. Farrell Smithenwho will preside over the Sitting, followed by Prayers.

New members of the Assembly will take their Oath of Allegiance after which a Motion for the approval of the Order Paper as circulated will be made.

Messages from the Deputy Governor General His Honour Mr. Eustace John will then be made followed by announcements by President Smithen.

Mr. Amory will then table The Draft Estimates 2013 followed by Statements by Ministers and Personal Explanations.

The Finance Minister will then introduce the Nevis Appropriation (2013) Ordinance, 2013 and seek leave to have it read a first time. After Public Businesses, the Bill will be read a second time followed by Resolutions and subsequentlyan adjournment of the House of Assembly.

Debate on the Budget is slated for Sittings of the Assembly on Monday April 29 and Tuesday April 30, 2013.

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