Irish Town Bay Road Closed To Traffic
Photo Courtesy of WINN-FM
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
October 05, 2010 (CUOPM)
Minister of Public Works, Dr. the Hon. Earl Asim Martin said Tuesday an assessment of the extent of the damage to a section of the Irish Town Bay Road will be carried out as soon as the heavy waves subside.
Minister Martin, who visited the area Tuesday to inspect the damage inflicted by a sea surge as a result of a storm that passed over St. Kitts Monday night and early Tuesday morning said rehabilitation works will begin as soon as a full assessment of the damage is carried out by officials of the Ministry and the Department of Public Works.
He said attention is also been given to the area between the old Fort Thomas Hotel and Fisherman’s Wharf to assess undermining.
Authorities have closed the main road and diverted traffic.