Nevis Land and Housing Minister – Robelto Hector
Charlestown, Nevis
July 17, 2008
Minister with responsibility for Land and Housing Hon. Robelto Hector and Legal Advisor in the Nevis Island Administration Mr. Patrice Nisbett left Nevis on July 17, 2008, on a government business trip to Trinidad and Tobago. General Manager of the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation (NHLC) Mr. Eustace Nisbett also formed part of the delegation.
The team will be involved in negotiations with the Unit Trust of Trinidad and Tobago with regard to two loans totaled US$15million to the NHLC. Ten million dollars of the loan was used to finance the compulsory acquisition of 730 acres of land in the Pinneys area. The delegation will also seek to put in place easier access for new property owners in that area for marketable titles.
“There is an incumberence in favour of the Unit Trust Corporation on the titles held by the Nevis Housing and Lands Development Corporation and in order to facilitate the giving of clear unencumbered and marketable titles to purchasers of lots in Nugent Village, Nugent Heights and the Pinneys commercial area, one would have to obtain the requisite consent from the officials of the Unit Trust Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago.
“We have been experiencing some difficulty in obtaining the requisite consent and so we are journeying to Trinidad and Tobago to negotiate with the officials of the Unit Trust and to see if we could persuade them to put in place an easier method of obtaining the consent, so that the Corporation upon receiving the proceeds from the purchasers would be in a position to convey a good, clear and unincumbered marketable title to the purchasers,” he said.
Meantime, Minister Hector noted that the team had also planned to meet with the 17 vocational trainees who are scheduled to graduate later this month. The students have been attending a three-month programme in various disciplined – plumbing and electrical, carpentry and masonry and auto mechanics welding at the Metal Construction Industries (MCI) in Trinidad.
“While in Trinidad, we would also take the opportunity to meet with the 17 trainees who are there pursuing vocational training. As promised by the Premier [Hon. Joseph Parry], we would have had two visits to see the progress of our students there. The Hon. Hensley Daniel visited last month and now it is my time where we can engage in discussion with the students and see how best we can assist them as they are there in Trinidad.
“Their graduation ceremony is scheduled for the 26 of July. I want to take this opportunity to wish them well and to say to the parents, that our preliminary report is that the students were doing well and we are expecting a very high percentage pass rate,” he said.
The delegation is expected to return to Nevis on July 20, 2008.