Commonwealth Youth Ambassador Decries Youth Stereotyping

Commonwelath Youth Ambassador - Anselm Caines

Commonwelath Youth Ambassador – Anselm Caines

Charlestown, Nevis
May 02, 2008

Commonwealth Youth Ambassador Alternate for St Kitts – Nevis Mr. Anselm Caines decried the stereotyping of young people which he said denied them of their individuality and prevented them from reaching their full potential. Mr. Caines made the statement while he delivered the feature address at the closing ceremony to mark the end of youth month 2008 at a recent rally.
“We have to dump the stereotyping of young people which denies them their individuality and prevents us from seeing their potential for greater things. Moreover, there are times that we have to be prepared to accept that our experience however great, it is does not necessarily make us qualified or determined their course of development. So often I hear the older adults speak about how it was in their time and how this young generation is going,” Mr. Caines said.
Mr. Caines at the time represented youths on Nevis and spoke on the topic of Youth Development to government and non government leaders of Nevis. He called on them to recognise the fundamental flaws in matters related to youths.
He said the many problems surrounding youths were debated as a youth problem, which implied something was fundamentally wrong with young people. He admitted that while there were exceptions, the energy and enthusiasm of young people were misinterpreted.
He further added that the youths of this era continued to experience rapid changes unlike previous generations which had contributed to the difficulties young people have encountered.

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UNESCO Youth Path Teams Up With St. Kitts – Nevis

Nevis Minister of Youth - Hon. Hensley Daniel

Nevis Minister of Youth – Hon. Hensley Daniel

Charlestown, Nevis
May 01, 2008

The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) funded Youth Path groups in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, collaborated for the second time in 2008 to observe their individual projects. This took place recently, when the Saint Kitts chapter visited their counterparts on Nevis at the historic Heritage Village at Fothergills Estate, where the Youth Path on Nevis held a ceremony to highlight and showcase their project.
Minister of Youth and Social Development in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Hensley Daniel who attended the ceremony, impressed on the youths to recognise the link between heritage and tourism. Mr. Daniel also encouraged them to take their heritage seriously and to use it for added economic value, through the tourism industry.
He enlightened the youths about their African heritage. They were also informed of the European influence in the nation, which afforded them to have African and European ideas help carve a niche in tourism.
“In reading about Youth Path, I’ve noticed that it is for youth poverty alleviation through tourism. It is a strategic effort to ensure that we continue to derive economic benefits from tourism. I want to associate myself as you would well imagine with the alleviation of poverty,” he said.

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Nevis Caregivers Are Positive Role Models For Youth

Charlestown, Nevis
May 01, 2008

The architect of the Pre Mothers Day Celebration and Commendation Exercise of Exemplary Care Givers of Mothers on Nevis organised by the Social Services Department in the Nevis Island Administration, said on Tuesday April 29, 2008, that her personal experience and the need to show the youth positive role models, were the driving forces behind the project.
Gender Affairs Officer in the Department of Social Services Mrs. Oslyn Griffin-Kelly, told the Department of Information that the idea of the programme bubbled in her head when she joined the Gender Affairs Unit in February 2008. She said she later brought it to the attention of the Department’s Director Ms. Sandra Maynard who supported her idea and provided her with the necessary tools to plan and execute the programme.
“I was motivated from a personal standpoint. I often visit the elderly and I communicate with caregivers and I realized that our experiences have been similar. I was a care giver myself,” she said.
Mrs. Kelly recalled that her stint as a caregiver was not planned. However, she took a life changing decision while she was away at university in Canada to return to Nevis to care for her ailing parents.
The last of 12 living children who had migrated to other lands, Mrs. Kelly said it was difficult for the other members of her family to uproot themselves for varying reasons and she felt heartbroken and unfair that her mom had given birth to 17 children, which included two sets of twins and had to be left to care for herself and her husband (who was six years her elder) in her weakened state.

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Richards Assumes New Post In Ambassador Programme

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
April 28, 2008 (SKNIS)

Ian Richards of St. Kitts and Nevis has been elected to the Management Team of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Youth Ambassador Programme (CYAP).

Richards, who is an Assistant Information Officer at the St. Kitts and Nevis Information Service, was elected by his colleague CYAs with a two thirds majority vote to the post of Vice Dean of Public Relations and Communication. The vote was held last week in Barbados at the finale of an Induction and Orientation Workshop for the regional youth advocates, and marks the first time a national of the twin island Federation will serve on the Management Team.

“It was an honour to have been given this vote of confidence by my peers,” said the second year CYA. “The work of the CYAP is very important and we owe it to the young people that we represent at these meetings, to use every avenue available to highlight key issues affecting youth. The media is an important partner in this regard,” he stressed.

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CYAS Saluted As Programme Welcomes New Members

CYAP Group Photo

Caribbean Youth Ambassador Programme Group Photo

Christ Church, Barbados
April 21, 2008

Ian Richards and Jihan Williams are currently in Barbados, working on new strategies to boost the effectiveness of the CARICOM Youth Ambassador Programme (CYAP) for the period 2008 to 2011.

The regional youth advocates, who are mandated to promote CARICOM issues on the national level, are meeting for an April 21 to 23 workshop at the United Nations House in Christ Church, Barbados. An opening ceremony was held on Monday to welcome the new and returning Ambassadors who were presented their instruments of appointment by the Permanent Secretary of Youth (Barbados) Lionel Weekes.

Deputy Programme Manager for Youth Development at the CARICOM Secretariat, Dr. Heather Johnson applauded the 26 members at the meeting, among whom 15 are new, for their commendable volunteerism and dedication to the CYA programme (CYAP). She told the CYAs that they are important tools in the effort to educate young people on the national level and encouraged them to network with their peers and related associations such as national youth councils to ensure a wide range of youth are positively impacted by the programme.  Dr. Johnson thanked the Government of Barbados for hosting the three-day workshop, which is the first for the year.

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