Agro-Tourism Consultation On Nevis

Audience At Nevis Agro-Tourism Consultation Charlestown, Nevis March 31,2009 “Nevis is strides closer to building an industry deep in the linkage between agriculture and tourism; and this is evident in the Nevis Module, which has been recognized and/or duplicated by …

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Nevis Hosts OAS Sponsored Tourism Workshop

Participants At Nevis Tourism Workshop

Participants At Nevis Tourism Workshop

Charlestown, Nevis
November 26, 2008

Nevis is host a number of stakeholders in the Federation’s tourism industry who are attending a workshop on Hotel Operations Management and Food and Beverage Management. The two-day Organisation of American States (OAS) sponsored event commenced on November 26, at the Old Manor Hotel.

During a brief ceremony to launch the workshop, OAS Representative for St. Kitts and Nevis Mr. Starret Greene told participants that no longer could the real dangers posed by the negative effects of climate change on the Federation and the Region’s tourism industry be ignored.

He said when the time, effort and resources that were invested in the development of the tourism product were considered, it was imperative that everything possible should be done to protect the critical and invaluable component of the tourism infrastructure.

“I wish to now call for changes to be made to the current designs of our infrastructure without delay.

“I feel obliged to use this occasion to also call on the owners of properties, governments, industry stakeholders, insurance companies, architects, engineers, construction companies, private sector partners and civil society organizations to begin discussions on the issue of adaptation, with a view to crafting a plan of action to address the vulnerabilities of our tourism infrastructure to the impact of climate change and the forces of Mother Nature,” he said.

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SKN Sponsors Resolution On Crime At OAS Assembly

Orginazation of American States

Orginazation of American States Assembly

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
June 09, 2008 (CUOPM)

St. Kitts and Nevis has sponsored a resolution on crime and violence at the just concluded General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) in Medellin, Colombia.

The resolution, which was co-sponsored by the CARICOM States and supported by all member states of the Western Hemispheric body, places the issue of Crime and Violence squarely on the agenda of the OAS, which has now resolved to take certain actions with regard to this escalating phenomenon that, is negatively impacting the quality of life in all member states.

The Resolution, presented by St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris, recognises the implications of crime and violence for the social, economic and political development of member states and, while being fully aware of the necessity for a criminal justice-focused approach in particular circumstances, cautions against an over-reliance on this approach, advocating instead a preventive public health approach in conjunction with citizen security strategies.

The public health approach, it is understood, does not replace criminal justice and human rights responses to violence but rather complements their activities and offers them additional tools and sources of collaboration.

The General Secretariat of the OAS has been mandated to support initiatives by member states, in actions aimed at preventing and comprehensively addressing the phenomenon of violence in its diverse forms and to keep the Committee on Hemispheric Security, which has oversight on such issues, informed on all ongoing and planned related activities.

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St. Kitts & Nevis Join OAS In Fighting Regional Crime

Orginization of American States Logo

Orginization of American States 2008 Meeting

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
June 03, 2008 (CUOPM)

The peoples of the Americas have a right to expect a deeper engagement and a heightened leadership role from the Organisation of American States (OAS) with regard to crime and violence, their number one social challenge.

This is the view of St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Foreign Affiars, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris.

Addressing the 38th Regular Meeting of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Medellin, Colombia, which has as its theme, “Youth and Democratic values,” Minister Harris challenged the Western Hemispheric body to intensify its efforts to work with and support member states in their elaboration of sound policies and focused programming an issue “of such burning hemispheric concern.”

Minister Harris made reference to the efforts being made by the Governments of St. Kitts and Nevis and other Caribbean countries including a special Summit on crime and violence which was held in Trinidad in early April.

He referred to the work of the Caribbean Civil Society Organizations and to the Meeting of Health Ministers of the Hemisphere in Mexico in March 2008, where the Declaration on Violence and Injury Prevention was adopted.

But, Minister Harris said: “The peoples of the Americas have a right to expect that the OAS, working in unison with Inter-American partners, with other regional and international agencies, and with member and observer states, would intensify its efforts to work with and support member states in their elaboration of sound policies and focused programming on an issue of such burning hemispheric concern.”

He said that he was aware that Secretary General Insulza, has convoked a meeting of Hemispheric Ministers with Responsibility for Public Security to be held in Mexico this coming October, and that violence prevention will be foremost on the  agenda.

Dr. Harris noted that it will be the first such Hemispheric meeting of highest level authorities on Public Security and congratulated The Secretary General on this initiative.

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