Doing Business In Nevis Just Got Easier

Charlestown, Nevis
February 28, 2008
The 2006 World Bank’s Report on doing business ranked St.Kitts- Nevis number eighty five out of over one hundred and seventy countries in the world and last among the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

This new administration of only 19 months old, took a giant step Thursday by making it simpler for persons to do business in Nevis.

During Thursday’s sitting of the Nevis Island Assembly at Hamilton House, the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) led administration acknowledged the problem and provided a solution with the passage of the Nevis Investment Promotion Agency Ordinance, 2008.

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Nevis Dog Sitting Service

Nevis, West Indies February 29, 2008 Got this notice in my email today, and thought I would pass it on. Good Morning Nevis, A few people on Nevis are interested in gathering together to discuss options for their dogs. Some …

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St. Kitts – Nevis Accepts Further Taiwanese Assistance

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 28, 2008 (CUOPM)

The Governments of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and the Republic of China on Taiwan have agreed on further development assistance in the form of grants to fund various projects at the community level in the short term.

This was disclosed here Wednesday afternoon by St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Denzil L. Douglas at his monthly Press Conference.

Dr. Douglas the projects to include the completion of the Bird Rock Athletic Stadium ““ the venue for next month’s CARIFTA Games to be held here for the very first time, during the Easter vacation; the Day Care Centre in St. Paul’s, the Upgrading the Halfway Tree Pavilion and Fencing of that facility, the fencing the Verchilds Secondary School, the construction of the new sporting facility for the people of West Farm and Boyd’s, the continuing upgrade of the Saddlers Sporting Complex, the upgrading of the Challenger’s Playfield and the construction of change and wash rooms and stands for those watching games being played and of the completion of the St. Peter’s Sporting Complex.

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St. Kitts – Nevis’ PM Congratulates Cuba’s New President

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 28,2008 (CUOPM)

Cuba’s new President His Excellency Raul Castro-Ruiz has been told that the choice by the National Assembly for him to succeed his brother, His Excellency Fidel Castro, registers the trust which his “country’s top level of government deposits in you ““ a choice which from all accounts resounds well with the people.”

“This confidence is undoubtedly rooted in your decades-long display and demonstration of stalwart management which delivered the Cuban economy from its demise during the 1990’s. Your loyalty and support you rendered to your brother and predecessor Comrade Fidel bear stark evidence of the strength of your character. This moral fiber is always admirable in an individual and even moreso in a leader,” said Prime Minister Douglas in a letter congratulating the new Cuban leader.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Cultural Dance Workshop

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 28, 2008

Cultural dancers in St. Kitts spent some time last week learning techniques of a more modern dance in a tale of old school meets new style.

The Victoria Road Community Center was the venue for a hip-hop workshop which drew young dancers of the hip-hop genre but also appealed to more seasoned performers from traditional dance groups including Vivace, Okolo Tegremantine as well as Christian groups Hebrew Brothers and Divine Praise.

The workshop was organized by the Alliance Française in collaboration with the Department of Culture and facilitated by choreographer David Milome of Martinique. He was supported by team members Marie-Aude Ichane and Jean-Michel Garraud.

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