Nevis, West Indies’s Premier On Facebook

Nevis Premier – Joseph Parry Charlestown, Nevis June 11, 2009 The Hon. Joseph Parry has incorporated one of the most popular social media tools into the promotion of the island and the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) led Nevis Island Administration’s …

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Premier Of Nevis Presents 2009 Budget

Nevis Premier Gives Budget Address

Nevis Premier Gives Budget Address

Charlestown, Nevis
December 10, 2008

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration, the Hon. Joseph Parry presented his third budget address to the citizens of Nevis, at the Nevis Island Assembly Chambers in Charlestown on Tuesday.

Addressing the packed gallery of persons from the islands private and public sector and students of the Charlestown Sixth Form College, the Minister of Finance stated, that the island of Nevis has progressed under the leadership of the Nevis Reformation Party Government.

He explained that spending on capital projects is imperative for any developing country to stimulate growth. Premier Parry went on to say, “It is with this in mind, that this government has pursued the extensive renovation of roads and water development since being elected in 2006. However, due to the gloomy global economic outlook for the next fiscal year we would have to consolidate our fiscal position by more tightly controlling capital and current expenditure.”

Capital expenditure is therefore set at $35,696,059 representing a considerable decrease from the $60,186,000 in 2008. Capital expenditure will be financed as follows: Revenue-$15,250,000; Loans-$19,000,000 and Development Aid-$1,446,059.

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Nevis Island Administration Celebrates Two Years

Nevis Island’s Premier – Joseph Parry Charlestown, Nevis July 9, 2008 On the second Anniversary of serving the people of Nevis, the Nevis Island Administration, led by the Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry, began their celebration with a …

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Nevis Premier To Attend Caribbean Community Conference

Nevis Island Premier – Joseph Parry Charlestown, Nevis June 26th, 2008 Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry and the Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Ashley Farrell, will be travelling to Antigua to attend the Twenty-Ninth meeting of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) …

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British Footballer With Nevis Roots Visits Island

Brian Deane and Joseph Parry

Mr. Brain Deane (L) and Premier Joseph Parry.

Charlestown, Nevis
June 25, 2008

Premier of Nevis Hon. Joseph Parry registered his gratification when he met with one of the island’s outstanding sons of the soil as he welcome famed retired British professional footballer of Nevisian heritage Mr. Brian Deane on his maiden visit to the island. Mr. Deane had paid a courtesy call on the Premier at his Bath Plain Office on June 25, 2008, and indicated his interest to assist the island.

“He has indicated interest in the island, it’s the first time that he has been here and he has also indicated an interest in returning and helping to promote the island in whatever way he could.

“I am very pleased that I was able to meet him and even more pleased that he is an outstanding son of the soil. I do wish him well for the future and I expect that he will be doing some work with Nevis and Nevisians,” Mr. Parry said.

Mr. Deane, who played professional football for 21 years, was born in Chapeltown, Leeds to parents Nevisian parents (father Mr. Cedric “Macka” Deane from St. Peters and mother Mrs. Josephine Deane from Butlers). During an interview with the Department of Information on June 24, 2008, he said that he had felt it was important to visit Nevis to see where his parents had come from and how he could contribute to the Nevis community.

“For me it was important to see where my mum and dad came from, where it all started and one of the things for me would be to try and put something back into this community or even let people know here, that they might look at people on television in England and think that’s a million miles away but actually a lot of them have probably got the basic skills they need to make it at that level,” he said.

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