Nevis Premier To Speak About Property Tax

Nevis Premier At Town Hall Meeting About Property Taxes

Nevis Premier Speaks About Property Taxes

Charlestown, Nevis
May 7th, 2008

As part of the Government’s policy of inclusion and transparency, Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Joseph Parry is taking part in Town Hall meetings across the island to discuss the newly installed Property Tax Bill.  This is being done in collaboration with the Nevis Inland Revenue Service, in an effort to give residents of Nevis the opportunity to air their views on the issue.

Legal Adviser- Hon. Patrice Nisbett, Nevis Island Revenue Service (Ag.) Deputy Controller – Ms. Neva Manners and Inland Revenue Officer- Mr. Bryan Gillfillan, will all join the Premier on a panel to enlighten the general public on matters surrounding the Bill.

According to Premier Parry, about 20% of homeowners would be tax exempt under the new tax law.  Persons, who pay under $100 now, will be paying less under the new system.  It may be noted, therefore, that with this new arrangement, there is more scope for individuals to be treated fairly.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Develops Small Business Policy

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
April 15, 2008 (CUOPM)

Legislation to govern the implementation of a Small Business Policy to encourage the emergence of a lively entrepreneurial spirit and an active small business sector, is being prepared.

According to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, the Small Business Policy has been developed in partnership with wide stakeholder participation.

Legislation to govern the implementation of the Policy has also been prepared as the Ministry continues to explore other possibilities to expand its assistance to micro and small indigenous businesses.

This assistance is to be provided by The National Entrepreneurial Development Division (NEDD), a division strategically placed within this Ministry to implement Government’s commitment on micro and small business development.

The National Entrepreneurial Development Division (NEDD) is responsible for the fostering of entrepreneurial development by providing technical assistance to potential entrepreneurs. The NEDD will creatively assists clients from the point of an idea, to the development and running a successful micro or small business.

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Nevis Benefits From Relationship With Taiwan

Charlestown, Nevis
April 11, 2008

Premier of Nevis the Hon. Joseph Parry said he was very pleased with the assistance that the Nevis Island government had received from Taiwan over the past years.  The Premier made the remark in a statement on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at his Bath Plain office.
“I first visited Taiwan back in 1984 just after diplomatic relations were established with St. Kitts and Nevis. We have been very fortunate to have a government like Taiwan.  The Taiwanese have made considerable contributions to the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, but I speak in particular to Nevis.
“They have established an agricultural station here in Nevis which we sorely needed.  They have done a lot of work in experimentation in a variety of crops and our farmers have benefited, and we are expecting our farmers to continue to benefit.  The Taiwanese have also been involved in offering many scholarships which our people have taken up,” the Premier stated.

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21st Century Telecoms To Open Office In Nevis

Nevis Premier Parry With Alec Saini

Nevis Premier Parry With Alec Saini

Charlestown Nevis
April 4, 2008

The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) and 21st Century Telecoms announced on Friday April 4th 2008 the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the establishment of the telecommunications company’s headquarters to be located on the island of Nevis. Signatories to the MOU were Premier, the Hon. Joseph Parry and Mr. Alec Saini founder and CEO of 21st Century Telecoms.
The Premier said pursuant to the MOU the company will start its operations in temporary headquarters on the island.
“We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 21st Century Telecommunications, the purpose of which is to have their Headquarters here on the island of Nevis.  The company will be setting up across the Caribbean and hopes to start operations here within the next two to three months.
“We have reached a stage where Mr. Saini will start in temporary headquarters. He will purchase a bit of land and establish his headquarters with a conference center, and accommodation for his people,” the Premier said. 

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Nevis Statistics Symposium Was Productive

Charlestown, Nevis
April 04, 2008

Director of statistics in the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Ms. Laurel Bain in her presentation at a Statistics Symposium organized by the Department of Statistics and Economic Planning on Nevis, hailed the Symposium a long but productive process. Ms. Bain made the comment on April 1, 2008, while she gave a comprehensive analysis to establish progress made about the importance of statistics across the region.
She said over a long period, efforts were made to improve statistics in the region, with numerous reports made and recommendations put forward but implementations were lagged. Notwithstanding, renewed efforts were made to strengthened statistics as the monetary council of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) deliberated in 2007, for renewed efforts to be made to strengthen statistics, in light of the challenges.
“The Monetary Council agreed that a strategic approach to policy making was a prerequisite for sustainable growth and development in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) member countries. [Therefore] The monetary council recommended a number of measures to enhance the policy making process in the ECCU, which included the strengthening of the statistics offices and enhanced the statistical systems for data gathering, processing and dissemination.” Ms. Bain said.

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