Nevis Island Govt. Visit To St.Maarten & Anguilla

Charlestown, Nevis
April 23, 2008

Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry, led a delegation to St. Maarten on Saturday, April 19th and Anguilla on Sunday, April 20th   2008.  The Hon. Joseph Parry reported to Nevisian Nationals on the accomplishments of the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) led Nevis Island Administration (NIA).

Premier Parry was accompanied by Deputy Premier- Hon. Hensley Daniel, Junior Minister ““ Hon. Dwight Cozier and Legal Adviser to the NIA- Hon. Patrice Nisbett.

“We went into government with the idea of improving the lives of Nevisians. Our Slogan was “People First” and our manifesto was entitled “The People’s Agenda.  We have not reneged on that promise.”  Since we have been in government, we have focused on a number of issues like Education and training for young people. We have provided free textbooks to students in government schools, free lunches for those who qualify and free or assisted tuition for college /university level education,” articulated Premier Parry.

The Premier’s report was assisted by a meticulous and well organised power point presentation that contained text and pictures of the undertakings and progress of the NRP led NIA over the past 21 months.

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Nevis Needs More Roads For Strong Economy

Nevis' Minister Daniel On Backhoe

Nevis’ Minister Daniel On Backhoe

Charlestown Nevis
April 17, 2008

Economic Growth demands additional investments in roads says Nevis’ Minister of Social Transformation.

The Joseph Parry Administration continued to positively impact the lives of the people of Nevis as residents of Cox and surrounding areas, will be outfitted with an improved network of village roads.
Area representative for  St. Johns Constituency and Minister of Social Transformation and Community Development the Hon. Hensley Daniel who is also a resident of Cox, had the honor to break ground to signal the official start of the project. The ceremony took place at the Gazebo in Cox on Wednesday April 16, 2008. 
Minister Daniel said the construction of the road from Pancho to Chicken Stone was vital to the delivery of goods and services and would decrease the cost of vehicle maintenance.
He pointed out that no major road improvement, road construction or repairs had taken place in these areas for the last 30 years and it was an opportune time to do a total road rehabilitation.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Foreign Service Officers To Visit Taiwan

The following is a press release from the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
Foreign Service Officers to be hosted by Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

On the 18th of April 2008, three representatives from the Federation will depart for the Republic on China (Taiwan) where they will be hosted by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Ms. Karina Phillips, Nyian Farrell and Angelica Elliott will represent the Federation and participate in the “2008 Seminar for Diplomats from the Caribbean Region.”

The Seminar will be conducted by Taiwan’s Foreign Service Institute and will include lectures by high level officials.  Subject matters will include the Foreign Policy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the Learning of Basic Chinese and the development of Small Enterprises and Agriculture on Taiwan.   The seminar will also include tours of centers of cultural importance and meet and greets with other Foreign Service officials.

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New Nevis Property Tax To Affect Villa Rentals

Nevis Propert Tax - Good Grief!

Nevis Property Tax – Good Grief!

Charlestown, Nevis
April 16, 2008

The first major property tax legislation in Nevis was passed in the Nevis Island Assembly late Monday April 15, 2008, after Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Joseph Parry sought leave to have the Nevis Property Tax Ordinance 2008 read a second and third time.
The historic Ordinance will modernise the valuation property taxes of Nevis through the introduction of market value as the validation standard for most properties on the island. It was tabled and received its first reading at a sitting of the Assembly in November, 2007.
The legislation was the first major piece of legislation of that nature to be passed by the NIA since the parent Bill was passed for the British colony of St. Kitts Nevis and Anguilla in 1913.
It provides for the exemption of certain properties from valuation and taxation; for the procedure for the valuation of property; for the payment of taxes; for the recovery of tax and for related matters.  

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