Voter Confirmation Period Extended In St. Kitts – Nevis

St. Kitts Electoral Offices

Crowds Lineup At St. Kitts’ Electoral Offices
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
October 01, 2008 (CUOPM)

St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has extended the deadline for persons whose names are on the current voters list to confirm their registration.

“The period from 27th December 2007 to 30th September 2008 that was designated as the Registration Period pursuant to the National Assembly Elections (Appointment of Registration Period) Order is hereby extended to the 4th October 2008,” a Statutory Rules and Orders signed on September 30th by Prime Minister Douglas stated.

Consequent on the signing of the Order, Supervisor of Elections and Chief Registration Officer, Mr. Leroy Benjamin issued a statement informing the public that confirmation of registered voters has been extended from Wednesday 1st October 2008 to Saturday 4th October 2008.

Over the past few days scores of persons have lined up outside the Electoral offices in St. Kitts and in Nevis in an effort to meet the September 30th 2008 deadline.

The Electoral Office in St. Kitts confirmed persons from 7:45 A.M. until 10:45 P.M. Tuesday 30th September and until 8:00 PM Monday 29th September. Normal working hours are from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.

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Nevis Premier Speaks About His Two Years In Office

Nevis' Premier Parry On His Two Years In Power

Nevis’ Premier Parry On His Two Years In Power

Charlestown, Nevis
July 12, 2008

Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry addressed the Nation Thursday in celebration of the momentous occasion when the people of Nevis returned the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) to office on July 10th, 2006.

“Governments are appointed to serve the people in their best interest. You the people elected us on the basis of the programmes we promoted and articulated in the Peoples Agenda.  Today, I report once again of the stewardship of the Nevis Reformation Party on behalf of the people of Nevis”.

In discussing the achievements of the early days of the NRP, Premier Parry outlined the success of the party with such advancements for Nevis as: Electricity for the island of Nevis, the provision of Roads, Water and Ports under NRP between 1983 and 1992.

Today almost twenty five years after first coming to power, the NRP has embarked on another landmark event by promoting geothermal on the island.

“People in the Caribbean will say geothermal did for Nevis what oil did and continues to do for Trinidad and Tobago and what Tourism did for Barbados. The economic potential for geothermal is so huge, that for decades its impact will continue to reverberate around this region.”

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Leadership Is Requried For St. Kitts – Nevis Growth

Labour Meeting At Marriott Resort

Labour Meeting At Marriott Resort
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
May 27, 2008 (CUOPM)

Political Leader of the governing St. Kitts – Nevis Labour Party, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas says the major ingredient required to keep the wheels of change in the twin-island Federation moving in the right direction is experienced and tested leadership.

He recently told the 76th Annual Conference of his governing St. Kitts – Nevis Labour Party that the wheels of change have been turning since the Party assumed office in 1995.

“They have propelled St. Kitts and Nevis to the higher echelons of the United Nations Human Development Index. Today I stand tall and you can stand tall and beat your chest,” said Prime Minister Douglas.

He said the Labour Party Administration has been transforming the St. Kitts and Nevis economy from a sugar mono-culture to a well diversified and integrated service-oriented economy.  “We are transporting our people to new vistas of opportunity and progress,” said Prime Minister Douglas, who warned of persons who would want to stop the wheels of progress.

“Do not be fooled I warn you, by those who would have you stop the wheels of change to attempt to start them again. They will only take you in the wrong direction. In these challenging times in which we find ourselves, the major ingredient required to keep the wheels of change moving in the right direction is experienced and tested leadership,” said Prime Minister Douglas.

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