St. Kitts – Nevis Reveals New Minimum Wage

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Citizens Of The Federation To Get More Money

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs, Labour, Social Security, Information & Technology
October 23, 2008

The following is a press release from the Department of Labour:

Against the backdrop of International Labour Organization’s Decent Work Agenda and the increased venerability of workers impacted as a result of the high and rising cost of food and services, the Government, in keeping with its mandate and responsibility to protect and promote the Social and Economic welfare of the Citizens, hosted a National Consultation on the issue of raising the Minimum Wage.

Subsequently, in accordance with the Labour Minimum Wage Act “‘ CAP 344, a National Minimum Wage Advisory Committee to review the Federation’s Minimum Wage and other terms and Conditions of Work was empanelled.

The Cabinet upon review of the Committee’s recommendations has agreed that the Minimum Wage be set at $8.00 per hour (US $2.98)/$320.00 (US $118.96) per 40 hour work week.

The minimum wage, which is National in scope covers all occupations and sectors and shall come into effect as of November 01, 2008.

The Minister of Labour on behalf of the Government wishes to thank the committee members for their work and contribution to the process and urges all employers to govern themselves accordingly.

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