Mental Health Care Week – October 04 -11, 2009
1. Sunday 4th ““ Declaration of Week opened by Ministers of Health St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Kitts – Church Service at the Catholic Church, Basseterre ““ 8:30 am ““ 10:30 am
Nevis – Church Service at the St Paul’s Anglican Church, Main Street, Charlestown ““ 9:00 am ““ 11:00 am
2. Monday 5th St. Kitts – Public Lecture Catholic Church, Basseterre St. Kitts ““ 7:30 pm ““ 9:30 pm
Topic “Pain Management: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”
3. Tuesday 6th ““ St. Kitts – Pain Management Workshop for Specific Health Care Workers ““ 8:30am to 3:00pm
AM: “Approaches to Chronic Pain Management in Selected Pain Syndromes”
PM: “Management of Chronic Low Back Pain”
Distribution of Treatment protocol
4. Wednesday 7th ““ St. Kitts – AM: “Cancer Pain Management”
CME at JNF classroom at JNF Hospital, Buckley’s Site, Basseterre ““ 9:00am ““ 10:00am
Nevis – Exhibition and Sale of Craft at the Red Cross building ““ 10::00 am ““ 2:00 pm
Nevis – Public Lecture at the Charlestown Methodist Conference Hall ““ 7:30pm ““ 9:30 pm
PM: “Pain Management: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”
5. Thursday 8th ““ St. Kitts ““ Treat for Patients at St Johnson Community Centre at 1:00pm ““ 4:00pm
PM: Nevis – Senior Citizens Concert at Charlestown Methodist Conference Hall at 6:00 pm
6. Friday 9th ““ St. Kitts ““ Health Fair at Independence Square at 9:00am ““ 5:00pm
Nevis – Patient Field trip ““leave Charlestown Health Centre 9am ““ Island Tour
7. Saturday 10th ““ World Mental Health Day: Statement by Ministers of Health ““ St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Kitts ““ Catholic Church Feeding Programme ““ Mental health talk to recipients at 9:00 am
Nevis ““ Seventh Day Adventist Church Service at Charlestown Secondary School at 9:00 am
and Lunch with patients
8. Sunday 11th ““ Closing of Week ““ Declaration of Week Closed by Ministers of Health of St. Kitts and Nevis
9. Tuesday 27th ““ Launch of St. Kitts Mental Health Association at OTI Hotel, Basseterre at 5:00 pm
All are Invited to Join ““ Individual fee $100.00 per year and Company fee $500.00 per year
10. NOVEMBER 21st Saturday Annual St. Kitts Mental Health Dinner at 7:30 pm ““ Diamond Cut Restaurant
= Marshall’s Restaurant Frigate Bay
This year we will be focusing on issues relating to Pain and Pain Management and how Pain relates to Primary Health Care Disorders, Mental Health and Substance Abuse.