Process To Advance Teaching Careers In St. Kitts – Nevis Accelerates

Teacher Training Program Accelerates

Be A World Class Teacher

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
March 11, 2011 (SKNIS)

A draft document which outlines a proposed career path for St. Kitts – Nevis teachers was shared with educators at a recent meeting of Ministry officials.

The career path diagram (CPD), the first of its kind in the 40 year history of the Education System, is a ladder of achievement which would be available to teachers based on performance and academic achievement.

The steps are Substitute Teacher, Untrained Teacher; Trained Teacher, Graduate Teacher, Lead Teacher and Master Teacher. Each stage will carry with it the appropriate pay grade benefits and performance requirements.

Relatedly, seven standards are required of all Teachers at varying degrees including: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning; Understanding and Organizing Subject-Matter for student learning; Assessment and Monitoring of student learning; Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for all learners; Creating and Maintaining an Effective Learning Environment; Collaboration and Communication and Interpersonal Relations, as well as Professional Responsibility and Growth.

The higher on the ladder of achievement the teacher attains more would be expected of him/her as in relation to their interaction with students, other teachers, the wider community and education officials.

Chief Education Officer Dr. Patrick Welcome submitted the proposed career path document which was drafted with input from the Teachers Union, and other education officials.

“This not only offers professional recognition within the field of Education, but offers opportunities for career growth but a path for individuals to enrich their skills and talents,” Dr. Welcome stated.

The career path diagram (CPD) will allow teaching professionals to, in addition, boost their professional esteem and follow clearly laid out benchmarks that will reward their efforts and achievements.”

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