Attorney General – Patrice Nisbett
Charlestown, Nevis
February 15, 2010
Attorney General of St. Kitts and Nevis Hon. Patrice Nisbett described his new and historic appointment as an honourable moment and a defining moment in Nevis’ history, which he hoped would strengthen the bonds and further unite the governments and people of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Mr. Nisbett who became the new Minister of Legal Affairs and Justice in the Federal Government on February 07, received his instruments of appointment from Governor General Sir Cuthbert Sebastian before an adoring crowd who witnessed the swearing ceremony of the Hon. Denzil Douglas led Administration for a fourth term of office.
“It was a very touching moment most importantly to see how the crowd response was. I felt that the people of St. Kitts in particular by the response that they gave, they gave their stamp of approval of a Nevisian coming to St. Kitts and holding a very responsible position in the Federal Cabinet.
“That warms my heart and it sends the right signal to me that the people of St. Kitts really want the people of Nevis to participate in the process and for us to have a stronger bond in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. I would hope that my presence in the Federal Cabinet will unite the people of St. Kitts and Nevis, the Governments of St. Kitts and Nevis so that we can move the country forward,” he said in a recent interview with the Department of Information.
Before his appointment to the Federal Government, Mr. Nisbett had served on the Opposition benches in the Federal Parliament for several years and also as the Legal Advisor to the Nevis Island Administration for just over three years. He said there were many benefits to be had for the people of Nevis along with his appointment since he was now in a position to influence policy to the benefit of Nevis.
“There are a number of issues that we want to put forward on behalf of the people of Nevis for example the issue of the devolution of power was one thing that we started in the last Labour Administration in order to achieve on behalf of the people of Nevis.
“In my position now as the Attorney General I believe I will be able to accelerate the process and be able to accomplish the devolution of authority in relation to the Nevis Island Administration,” he said.
Mr. Nisbett said the Attorney General was the point man on constitutional reform and as such he would be in charge of leading that process.
He explained that there were a number of issues that needed to be ironed out with regard to the relationship between St. Kitts and Nevis and because he was Nevisian was the better person in the position to reform the relationship to the mutual; benefit of all parties concerned.
With regard to his former position of Legal Advisor he said though he would no longer be able to serve in that capacity, he had indicated his availability to be called on by the NIA to conduct matters on its behalf.
“There is some arrangement in place between the Federal Government and the Nevis Island Administration in relation to using me for matters in relation to the NIA,” he said.
Mr. Nisbett also noted that although the offices of the Attorney General were currently situated in Basseterre, certain matters had been discussed in relation to the Attorney General’s operations extended to Charlestown. “That is on the cards,” he smiled.