Nevis Receives Exposure In Major Travel Magazines

Charlestwon, Nevis (March 28, 2007)

Chief Executive Officer at the Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) Ms. Helen Kidd, the island’s  premier tourism marketing tool, disclosed Monday that the island continued to receive added exposure from a number of articles which have appeared in major North American travel magazines.

Ms. Kidd made the announcement in an interview with the Department of Information on Monday March 26, 2007. She indicated that Nevis was featured in at least three magazines since a number of journalists continued to visit the island.

For the year so far, she explained that the first group of photographers and writers visited Nevis in January and they represented the Islands Magazine.

“That feature will not come out till July and August. However, immediately after that, we had a young man from the New York Post who visited us, his name was Chris Bunting and he went all over the island meeting with people and talking about, unusual for us, budget travel. As a result, we have received six columns in the New York Post about three weeks ago, excellent exposure for the destination. I am delighted to say, that also, a Florida publication by the name of Vive had been down here. One of the writers came down here which resulted in a piece that came out in the January issue of Vive, wonderful exposure of three pages for Nevis.

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Passing Through Customs Is Easy In The Caribbean

By: Jennifer Smith

With so many souvenirs to bring home, it’s no wonder Caribbean travelers are often curious about passing through customs. The question many travelers ask is how to bring these purchased items back into their home country. With a little knowledge, and the right paperwork, passing through customs can be easier than you think.

Each Caribbean island is different, so you’ll find plenty of variations in the laws you’ll find throughout the region. Each island will also have its own popular native goods as well. Knowing which items are permitted to be brought out of the country and which are not will protect you from additional fees or lost goods.

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Tourism Week To Help Nevis Business

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 29, 2007)
Premier and Minister of Tourism on Nevis the Hon. Joseph Parry said that knowledge of the opportunities available to small businesses and the invaluable role they play in the tourism industry  will be the focus of activities surrounding Tourism Week 2007. The event is organised by the Ministry of Tourism under the theme “Tourism is Our Business”.
In a televised address to herald the start of Tourism Week 2007, Mr. Parry said that the week which will end on February 3rd, would seek to emphasise greater awareness of Nevis’ tourism product and would reflect the value attached by the Nevis Reformation Party led Nevis Island Administration (NIA) to partnerships among various sectors of the economy.

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Nevis – Saint Kitts – Amateur Radio (HAM)

     The St. Kitts Nevis Amateur Radio Society was founded on April 12th 1973 . This Society has remained committed to regional development and and integration since its inception. A few years ago, the Society, under President Al Elmes Esq. developed a Disaster and Emergency Operations SOP [Standard Operating Procedures] document, that is still fine tuned annually. Today that document is part of the training manual for regional emergency and disaster operations and management workshops. It is also the template of choice for many independent SOPs.

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Top 10 Romantic Escapes – Nevis In At #5

According to the travel experts at Sherman’s Travel, they’ve just compiled a list of the ten most romantic places to escape. Good thing with Valentine’s Day just around the corner! The list includes the following. 1. Buenos Aires 2. Bora …

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