Premier Parry Inspects New Kitchen
Charlestown, Nevis
February 22, 2011
Once again the Nevis Island Administration has performed for the elderly, this time when it commissioned a new hot meals kitchen in Gingerland.
Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry thanked the Caribbean Development Bank and all of the stakeholders involved for making this hot meals kitchen for seniors a reality.
“I will like to thank the Basic Needs Trust Fund Staff (BNTF) and the contractors, Mr. Elmes for engineering the project and supervising the building and ensuring that it is a quality building,” commented Mr. Parry.
The Premier emphasized the fact the Nevis government had always worked for the benefit of all the people of Nevis.
“Everyone must get a piece of the action and the Nevis Government are for all the people of Nevis and we do not pick out, choose and discriminate. I am right here in St. Georges Parish dealing with this building and this is the way the Nevis Island Administration has always performed and functioned by working for the development of the entire island of Nevis,” said Premier Parry.
The Senior Citizens hot meals kitchen was constructed under the BNTF and funded by the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and Canadian International Agency (CIDA).