More Low Income Housing For St. Kitts

Low Income Houses - Newtown, St. Kitts

Low Income Houses – Newtown, St. Kitts
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
March 26, 2009 (CUOPM)

More lots have been made available for housing in five rural areas of St. Kitts.

Minister of Housing and Parliamentary Representative for Constituency # 8, the Hon. Cedric Liburd, has received the approval of the Federal Cabinet for the allocation of an additional 136 lots of land for low income housing.

The lots will accommodate homes at the Ottley’s Housing Development, Stapleton Village Extension, Race Course Housing in Newton Ground, High Point Housing in Sandy Point and Rawlins Housing Extension in St. Paul’s.

The lots allocated to the National Housing Corporation will be used for the NHC 500 Housing Scheme and the Ex-SSMC Workers Housing Programme.

The new allocation follows the recent identification of land in several other areas throughout the island of St. Kitts for the two housing schemes.

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1 thought on “More Low Income Housing For St. Kitts”

  1. I am coming to St Kitts in December and would love to stay for a month, I am looking for an inexpensive place to stay.

    Thank you



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