Joycelyn Liburd Primary School Principal – Mrs. Marion Lescott
Charlestown, Nevis
September 10, 2010
While institutions worldwide were celebrating International Literacy Day on September 8, 2010, the Joycelyn Liburd Primary School hosted its seventh annual Reading Awareness Day.
In an official ceremony at the school, Principal Mrs. Marion Lescott, said “Reading Awareness Day was introduced [at the school] to heighten students’ interest and awareness of the value of reading.”
Other activities to mark the day included reading in individual classes by guest readers and teachers particularly Education Officer responsible for the school Ms. Andrea Bussue and Health Advisor Mrs. Patricia Hanley.
In speaking to the students, Education Officer and Reading Specialist Mrs. Palsy Wilkin commended the school for promoting reading and spoke highly of its [the school’s] recent decision to celebrate Reading Awareness Day in conjunction with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization’s [UNESCO] International Literacy Day.
“I must commend your principal Mrs. Lescott and her hard working and dedicated staff who initiated this Reading Awareness Day seven years ago and for the past two years we have got it right in that we are celebrating your Reading Awareness Day on the same day as International Literacy Day,” Mrs. Wilkin said.
In addition to the day’s celebration, the Most Avid Reader Award was launched and Principal Lescott encouraged students to read extensively so that they could qualify for it. She also reminded students of the day’s significance worldwide.
“The objective of the day is to intensify the importance of literacy in every corner of the globe, communities and societies. On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally,” Lescott said.
The theme for International Literacy Day this year was “Literacy and Women’s Empowerment.”