Grant Challenges Prime Minister To A Series Of Debates

PM Denzil Douglas - Will He Pick Up The Gauntlet?

PM Denzil Douglas (r) – Will He Pick Up The Gauntlet?
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
August 28, 2009
PAM Secretariat

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Denzil Douglas announced his support for engaging in debates on the issues of the day. When asked about debates, the Prime Minister responded, “I personally would see nothing wrong at all with that. In fact one might see it as a delight to do that.” When asked if he was open to debates, the Prime Minister said, “I’m very open, of course.”

Today, PAM Leader Lindsay Grant issued the following challenge to a series of debates across St. Kitts.

“Today, I am openly challenging the Prime Minister to a series of debates. I suggest that each debate have an issue theme so that we can thoroughly address the most critical issues of the day,” challenged Grant.

Grant continued, “For our first debate, I suggest that we discuss the crime and murder crisis in the Federation. Under Denzil Douglas’ leadership, crime and murder has spiraled out of control. Across the Federation, people are scared of the masked gunmen and gang members that are terrorizing our people. I have repeatedly called for a National Response on Crime. The Prime Minister has demurred. The people of St. Kitts & Nevis deserve an explanation from the Prime Minister for why crime and murder rates have spiraled out of control under his watch.”

Grant went on to challenge the Prime Minister to a second debate on public debt and contracting.

“St. Kitts & Nevis has one of the highest debt to population ratios in the world. When it comes to debt, we’re ranked right up there with the likes of Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. It’s embarrassing and it’s hurting our people,” said Grant. “The Prime Minister has to answer for his Government’s irresponsible debt management. Our high debt ratio means that millions in taxpayer dollars that could be spent helping Kittitians and Nevisians are being sent to overseas bankers to pay for and finance our crushing debt. At this debate, I will also challenge Denzil Douglas to answer questions about millions of missing dollars from scores of contracts.”

Grant also challenged the Prime Minister to debate other issues including the economy, housing, infrastructure, land ownership and health care.

“Too many people in the Federation can’t afford the prescription drugs they need. Too many people are concerned about the government selling choice pieces of land to foreigners for pennies on the dollar. Too many people are worried about the lack of affordable health care on the island. Too many people are unemployed and underemployed,” said Grant. “These are all pressing issues that are facing Kittitians and Nevisians and I challenge the Prime Minister to debates on all of these issues.”

Grant concluded, “I challenge the Prime Minister to stop with the false innuendos and the political attacks. I challenge him to join me on the high road and discuss the issues the matter. I hereby challenge him to a series of television and radio debates on the crime and murder crisis, the crushing national debt and other pressing issues facing Kittitians and Nevisians.”

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