Government Website Address
Basseterre, St. Kitts Nevis
September 08, 2009 (SKNIS)
The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has broadened the methods of contributing to the discussions for Wednesday’s National Consultation on the Economy.
Ruth Joseph, Senior Budget Analyst in the Ministry of Finance, told SKNIS that a link has been added to the Government’s website to allow persons to preview some of the presentations that will be made at the September 9th and 10th event slated for the St. Kitts Marriott Resort.
“They can feel free to post comments “¦ questions [and] suggestions and we will try to discuss them at the consultation and provide feedback,” she said, explaining that a section has been included on to facilitate this type of interaction.
Visitors to the website will find an updated copy on the Draft Federal Youth Policy as well as the discussion document from the Ministry of Education, Youth, Labour, Social Security, Information and Technology. Presentations from the Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs as well as the Ministry of Social and Community Development and Gender Affairs are also posted online.
Ms. Joseph encouraged persons living at home and abroad to make use of this opportunity to enrich discussions at the national consultation. She noted that the section will be updated with relevant information after the consultation and will remain online to facilitate as many expressions as possible.
The National Consultation on the Economy is geared towards building consensus for the 2010 budget and the medium term economic strategy. The annual dialogue between the public and private sector as well as civil society partners was first held in 2005.
This year’s consultation will be held under the theme “Youth Development at the Core of our National Priorities.”