New Computers Await Residents
Photo By Erasmus Williams
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 21, 2011 (CUOPM)
Residents of the village of Parsons have been urged to make good use of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) facilities and attend training to help maximize their understanding and capability in using the technology for their own benefit.
Speaking at an opening ceremony to inaugurate the Capisterre Computer Initiative at the Parsons Community Center, St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas said the benefits to be derived are components of his Government’s efforts to empower the people of the country and thanked all the major players in implementing the programme which will see similar computer training programmes in the St. Paul’s Community Center and the Newton Ground Community Centers in the first phase.
“Together with other subject areas, the use of Internet and Computer technologies can help in our quest to promote ICT related business that challenges the creativity, knowledge and technical savvy of students exposed to such technologies,” said Prime Minister Douglas.
“When we look at the Capisterre Computer Initiative, therefore, we must see ““ not only the facilities ““ but we must see it as part of a larger picture, a process by which our young people and our communities participate in building a nation through the acquisition and application of knowledge,” said the Prime Minister the sixth-term Parliamentary Representative.
Dr. Douglas commended Henley & Partners and the Whitegate Development Corporation for their monetary contributions of US$10,000 and US$6,000 respectively and The Cable Company for its ongoing supply of broadband Internet connections.
Also thanked were Techsperts for software and installation for computers and Kittitian Hill for managing the implementation of the project, along with additional financial support.
The Prime Minister also said the players in this special ICT project have demonstrated sustained and significant commitment, and it is fitting to applaud their generosity.
“These facilities have new and excellent computers with broadband Internet access for the benefit of children and adults,” he said.
The training classes are being coordinated with the help of Mr. Terry Morris, the community development officer for Capisterre, and Derionne Edmeade, the lead trainer in the initiative.