StormCarib – The Caribbean Hurricane Network

StormCarib Image - Hurricane Fiona Over Nevis

StormCarib Image – Hurricane Fiona Over Nevis

While the hurricane season is officially from June 01 – November 30, traditionally the most active time for the Caribbean is August and September.  With this in mind, I would like to alert travelers and weather bugs alike, to a great resource for keeping an eye on weather conditions. The web site is While there are oodles of weather/hurricane resources available on the web, StormCarib is unique in the fact they use local hurricane correspondents on 30+ islands to report on local conditions.

StormCarib covers many small islands, such as Nevis, that don’t even show up on the “Big Boys'” maps.  I highly suggest that you jump on over to their web site if you are interested in the weather conditions in the Caribbean.  Please also consider making a small donation to keep their web site up and running smoothly.  Believe me as a webmaster myself I know how many hours are required to keep a site like Storm Carib up to date.

Cheers, and lets hope we don’t have to use the StormCarib site much in the future.

1 thought on “StormCarib – The Caribbean Hurricane Network”

  1. That is a new web site for us and it is appreciated. Not been to Nevis yet. We have started with the A’s, love the Caribbean and hope to make it to the end. Loved everywhere we’ve been so far.


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