List Of Nevis Food Item Without Consumption Tax

Nevis Junior Trade Minister - Dwight Cozier

Nevis Junior Trade Minister – Hon. Dwight Cozier


Fellow Nevisians:

The rising cost of oil on the International Market, coupled with other factors such as the extensive use of crops and farm lands by some countries for the production of alternative fuels, as well as droughts in countries as far away as Australia, have led to dramatic increases in the prices of food globally. The rise in food prices locally is not the doing of your Government.

Nevertheless, your Nevis Island Administration is committed to polices that will ensure that the cost of living in Nevis is kept as low and as normal as possible.

With this in mind your Government has decided to take steps which will lead to a reduction in the cost of imported food and some non food items, designed to counter the global crisis. The Nevis Island Administration has therefore decided to:

(a) cut consumption tax on a number of items by a 10% reduction, and

(b) compute the consumption tax on the said items on CIF only.

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Nevis Premier Holds Talks With Chief Minister Of Anguilla

April 23,2008

Premier of Nevis, the Hon Joseph Parry met with the Chief Minister of Anguilla, the Hon. Osborne Flemming to discuss matters relating to Tourism, the Economy and Immigration.

Premier Parry was accompanied by Deputy Premier-Hon. Hensley Daniel and Legal Adviser, the Hon. Patrice Nisbett, who initially attended a luncheon hosted by the Chief Minister at the Tenemos Resort Restaurant Zurra on Sunday, April 20th.

On Monday morning the talks continued when the entire Anguilla Island Administration Cabinet met with members of the Nevis Island Administration.  This time the discussion was based on the development of Anguilla and Nevis,Tourism and the progress the islands have made over the years.  The Chief Minister was very interested in the geothermal project and placed on record his excitement over the idea of seeing electricity being offered at a considerably less expensive rate.

The Chief Minister was also proud to inform the team that Anguillians have been investing large sums of money in their own country.  As a matter of fact, when they took an island tour, he showed off an area of about 300 acres of land which, he said, is being developed by Anguillians to the tune of one hundred million dollars.

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St. Kitts – Nevis Suspends Consumption Tax

St. Kitts - Nevis Locally Grown Produce

St. Kitts – Nevis Locally Grown Produce
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
April 23, 2008 2008 (CUOPM)

The consumption tax on a selected list of food and non-food items approved by the Cabinet last month, will be removed with effect from the first of next month, Minister of State with responsibility for Information, Sen. the Hon. Nigel Carty disclosed on Tuesday.

Minister Carty also disclosed that price control officers have been employed to ensure that the price on these food and non-food items go down so that the consumers benefit.

“Cabinet mandated that effective May 1, 2008, the consumption tax be removed from the following list: Chicken, processed cheese, pasta, corned beef, sardines, tinned tuna, vienna sausage, margarine, ketchup, diapers (for babies and adults), and baby formula. The consumption tax on these items ranges from 15 percent to 22.5 percent,’ said Sen. Carty following Monday’s Cabinet Meeting.

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New Nevis Property Tax To Affect Villa Rentals

Nevis Propert Tax - Good Grief!

Nevis Property Tax – Good Grief!

Charlestown, Nevis
April 16, 2008

The first major property tax legislation in Nevis was passed in the Nevis Island Assembly late Monday April 15, 2008, after Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Joseph Parry sought leave to have the Nevis Property Tax Ordinance 2008 read a second and third time.
The historic Ordinance will modernise the valuation property taxes of Nevis through the introduction of market value as the validation standard for most properties on the island. It was tabled and received its first reading at a sitting of the Assembly in November, 2007.
The legislation was the first major piece of legislation of that nature to be passed by the NIA since the parent Bill was passed for the British colony of St. Kitts Nevis and Anguilla in 1913.
It provides for the exemption of certain properties from valuation and taxation; for the procedure for the valuation of property; for the payment of taxes; for the recovery of tax and for related matters.  

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Nevis Villa Owners To Be Taxed

Charlestown, Nevis
April 15, 2008
“The business of Government is not just about revenue and the collection of taxes, but it is about development of the country. Our government is just 25 years old this year and Nevis is fairly young. We are in a position to be called a developing country, a country which needs investment, infrastructure and development of services,” said Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Joseph Parry.

The Premier was at the time speaking at a Town Hall meeting at the Nevis Cultural Centre on Monday, April 7th, 2008.The meeting was held by the Nevis Island Administration in collaboration with the Nevis Island Revenue Service to discuss the Property Tax Bill, 2007 as part of the Governments policy of inclusion and transparency.

This tax seeks to modernize the property tax law of Nevis, by introducing the market value as the valuation standard for most properties in Nevis.

The first reading of this Bill took place in November 2007, in the Nevis Island Assembly Chambers at Hamilton House in Charlestown. The Town Hall meeting was held before the second reading to get opinions, questions and feedback from the general public before the second reading of the said bill.

The Nevis Island Administration believes that this will result in greater tax equity and it will also facilitate the computerization of property valuation and taxation in Nevis.

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