Attorney – Anthony Astaphan
Photo By Erasmus Williams
Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
May 14, 2008 (CUOPM)
St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has issued instructions to his Attorneys at Law and Counsel to take whatever lawful action permitted under the law against Political Leader, Mr. Lindsay Grant and his party’s mouthpiece, The Democrat newspaper “to ensure that Mr. Grant and the Democrat are made to pay for their reckless and irresponsible allegations and conduct.”
A statement from Dr. Douglas’ attorney, Senior Counsel Mr. Anthony Astaphan of Dominica on Wednesday noted what he describes as “a very disturbing trend taking place in the OECS.”
“In recent times, Political Parties in Opposition have fabricated strategies of ambush and destruction directed at sitting Prime Ministers. These strategies and their implementation are known as weapons of mass deception. The politically crafted weapons of mass deception are designed to destroy the reputations of Political Leaders and Prime Ministers. Opposition Parties have been advised that that is the only way for them to win an election,” said Astaphan, a prominent Caribbean lawyer.
Mr. Astaphan further noted that in St. Lucia, the United Workers Party sought to paint then Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony with the outrageous and false allegation of corruption.