Nevis Police Must Fight Crime For Tourism To Grow

Charlestown, Nevis
February 22, 2008

President of the St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CIC) Mr. Franklyn Brand underscored the importance of partnership to the police and crime fighting given the major investments made in the tourism industry and allied services in the Federation.
His comment came when he delivered the feature address at the fifth annual Police Appreciation Awards 2007 under the theme “Building on five years of success through Partnership” on February 16, 2008, at the Old Manor Hotel in Gingerland, Nevis.
“This mammoth undertaking of maintaining law and order, ensuring public safety, bringing criminals to justice and preventing and reducing crime can never reasonably be done by the police in isolation. Partnership with the police in crime fighting and prevention is imperative”¦partnership with the police, business community, religious organizations, community groups and government should be an accepted practice and not something to be lobbied for.

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Nevis Hosts Diplomatic Week

Charlestown, Nevis
February 21, 2008

On Wednesday February 20, 2008, the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) led by Premier and Minister of Finance and Tourism the Hon. Joseph Parry, hosted diplomatic and consular representatives accredited to St. Kitts Nevis at a luncheon at the scenic Botanical Gardens at Montpelier Estate on Nevis.
The Premier who had the opportunity to address the representatives on the strides made in the Nevis Financial Services sector one day before at the Ocean Terrace Inn, said he was happy for the opportunity to enlighten them about the jurisdiction and that they had visited Nevis.  He urged them to take with them fond memories of the island.
“I really enjoyed addressing you yesterday about our financial services and I must say that we know that we have people here from Switzerland that is the headquarters of financial services, so we are asking you to take back the message, to ensure that we make that direct connection with Switzerland, it will help our financial services sector to grow.

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St. Kitts Cruise Ship Docking Brouhaha

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 21, 2008 (CUOPM)

Chairman of the St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority (SCASPA), Mr. Linkon Maynard, has taken issue with the reporting by Sun St. Kitts/Nevis on the berthing of cruise liners at Port Zante.

“In the past this newspaper has been guilty of reporting utterly false information concerning various issues affecting the berthing of Cruise Ships at Port Zante. I refer to your various assertions that make reference to the availability of a tug boat at Port Zante Berthing Facility. Despite the fact that there was obviously no creditable substantiation for your assertions, we have noticed that you repeatedly make the same reference and innuendos concerning the capacity and reliability of the Port Berthing services,” said Mr. Maynard in a letter to the Editor, Mr. Timothy Payne.

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Skerritt Demands Apology From Sun St. Kitts/Nevis

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 21, 2008 (CUOPM)

St. Kitts and Nevis’ Minister of State for Tourism has written to the Editor of Sun St. Kitts/Nevis, Mr. Timothy Payne, demanding the withdrawal of an allegation that he considers libelous and an obvious case of irresponsible journalism.

The article in the February 19th 2008 edition of Sun St. Kitts/Nevis is entitled “No Tourist In Town” and is written by Akedia Christopher.

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Marylebone Cricket Club Returns To St. Kitts – Nevis

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis February 20, 2008 The Marylebone Cricket Club returns to St. Kitts and Nevis next month, a sign of the continued strengthening of the relationship with the twin-island Federation and it’s budding sports tourism industry. Young …

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