University Employees Gain Skills To Transform Economy

Ross University Employees Receive Degrees

Ross University Employees Receive Degrees

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
June 17, 2008 (SKNIS)

Deputy Prime Minister Honourable Sam Condor has saluted nine local employees at Ross University for taking a courageous step forward in their efforts to fulfill the demands of a transforming economy in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Cyndie Demming, Charles Wentworth, Julienne Rawlins, Floyd Revan, Alison Stewart, Collin Williams received their Masters from DeVry University ““ which the locally based Ross University is affiliated with ““ in various areas, including human resource management, information systems, business management and accounting. Cheryl Cumberbatch, Avonelle Fahie and Iona Halliday-Simmonds earned Bachelor Degrees in information technology, health services management and technical management. Also receiving a Bachelors in Technical Management was Cyndie Demming.

“These nine celebrants have every reason to be happy, proud and hopeful and so do all of us [gathered here],” said Minister Condor, while he gave feature remarks at a graduation ceremony for the local students held last weekend at the Royal St. Kitts Hotel. “You are model citizens.”

The students were beneficiaries of the DeVry Tuition Benefit Programme, which offers employees at any affiliated institutions to pursue an online education free of cost. That benefit also extends to spouses and dependents.

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Charlestown Secondary School Receives Record Donation

Michael Webbe Shakes Hands On Donation

Wilthsire (L) & Webbe (R) Shake Hands On Donation
Charlestown, Nevis
June 13, 2008

The Charlestown Secondary School (CSS) was on Friday June 13, 2008, the recipient of a cheque in the amount of EC$25, 000 from the Nevis Multi-Line Services, the largest donation from any single entity.

Former student of CSS and representative of the Nevis Multi-Line Services Mr. Michael Webbe made the donation to the school, while Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Library Services Mr. Joseph Wiltshire accepted the cheque on behalf of the Ministry of Education.

“I want to express the gratitude of the Nevis Island Administration to Mr. Liburd (donor), and Multi-Line Services and it gives me great pleasure in handing over this cheque to the principal Mr. Edson Elliott,” Mr. Wiltshire said.

He also recorded his commitment to the donor, that the money would be used for the sole purpose it was intended.

“I would like to assure Mr. Liburd that this contribution would be used to enhance the library and to ensure that our students have the means by which they can resource and research their work, so that they continue to perform at the high level they have been performing over the years,” he said.

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Youth Parade In Nevis To Celebrate “Child Month”

Charlestown Preschool Students March In Parade Charlestown, Nevis June 13, 2008 The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Cabinet Ministers accompanied the Early Childhood Unit, parents, teachers and children in this year’s Child Month parade through the Island Main Road in Charlestown …

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Charlestown Secondary Receives Resource Center

Charlestown Secondary School - Nevis

Handing Over Ceremony For New Resource Center

Charlestown, Nevis
June 05, 2008

The Charlestown Secondary School (CSS) was on Friday June 06, 2008, the recipient of an English Language Resource Center funded by the First Caribbean International Bank.

The center formed part of an initiative the school had put in place to promote continued learning by developing available facilities.

In a handing over ceremony at the school, Principal Education Officer Mrs. Jennifer Hodge urged students to take advantage of the facility.

“To the students, this resource is an investment in you which I hope will motivate you to use and use well,” she said.

Mrs. Hodge expressed her appreciation to the donors on behalf of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), the Ministry of Education and the CSS.

“We thank you for your symbolic contribution and investment to the children of the Charlestown Secondary School.

“We really appreciate your coming on-board with the students here at the Charlestown Secondary and I know that they are going to make full use of the investment that you have placed in them,” she said.

Principal of CSS Mr. Edson Elliott too expressed gratitude to the First Caribbean International Bank and challenged other businesses to take example from the bank and contribute to the school.

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