Nevis Students Honored For Artistic Talent

Charlestown, Nevis
March 28, 2008

Premier of Nevis Hon. Joseph Parry and Minister with the responsibility for Education and Tourism in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), attended a presentation Ceremony held at the Gingerland Primary School and the Prospect Special Education Unit, on Thursday, March 27, 2008 to honour two students for their artistic ability
The ceremonies were held to acknowledge the achievements of Ms. Kelsia Liburd and Master Nick Dias’ art submissions, which best illustrated the preservation of the island’s environment at the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Children’s Environmental Poster Competition.
Premier Parry first visited the Gingerland Primary School where he congratulated Ms. Liburd for capturing the FCCA first place junior category award that was coordinated and judged by Tourism Representatives from the Department of Tourism in the NIA. He also had the honor of presenting her with the prize award of US $200.00.

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New Cultural Development Foundation For Nevis

Charlestown, Nevis
March 27, 2008

There is going to be a bright future for fine Arts in Nevis.  That statement was made by Premier of Nevis the Hon. Joseph Parry on Tuesday March 25, 2008, while he officially launched the Nevis Cultural Development Foundation during a ceremony dotted with Nevisian folklore, dance and music at a ceremony which took place at the Nevis Cultural Center.
Mr. Parry said the establishment of the Foundation had become necessary to relieve Government from continually subsidising cultural activities.  He said too that it would also be able to access regional and international funding for the development of culture and arts.
“This Foundation will be able to mobilise resources from public and private sector institutions. Additionally, the Foundation will bridge the gap between Culturama and culture, that is, we believe that culture and cultural activities should give the fillip to Culturama.  The Foundation will ensure that there is no duplication of resources and staff and will maximise human and financial resources.
“There is going to be a bright future for the Fine Arts in Nevis and as you may know, there is money to be made from the arts, especially with its link to tourism. Cultural activities, masquerades, dance and drama will only boost our tourism,” he said.

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New Health Plan For St. Kitts – Nevis

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
March 26, 2008 (SKNIS)
The new National Strategic Health Plan for the period 2008 to 2012 is owned by the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

This is according to Health Planner in the Ministry of Health Mr. Andrew Skerritt who enthused that the Ministry of Health is excited about the plan because in the deliberation phase there were widespread grass roots discussions that fed into national consultations.  As such, the National Strategic Health Plan belongs to the people of St. Kitts and Nevis who determined its composition.

Mr. Skerritt who discussed the plan with the St. Kitts and Nevis Information Service said that it would soon be ready for public dissemination.  He said that Cabinet approved the strategic health plan on February 25 and it is now going through its final scripting and editing.  Presentation to the public should take place shortly.  He stated that while the plan is already public information, it is not presentation ready.

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PBS To Film Documentary About Nevis Born Alexander Hamilton

Charlestown, Nevis
March 26, 2008

President of a United Sates based production company Manifold Production Inc. Mr. Michael Park and his wife Gina, spent one day on Nevis on Tuesday March 25, 2008, on a fact finding mission in preparation for a documentary on the early life of Alexander Hamilton, who was born in Nevis and spent his formative years on the island.
In an interview with the Department of Information, Mr. Park explained that the 90 minute documentary would be filmed in 2009 and aired on Public Broadcast Service (PBS) in 2010.  
“We are making a 90 minute documentary about Hamilton for PBS and as part of the documentary we want to talk about his formative years in Nevis. It was here the first years of his life that he became educated that the foundations of his brilliant career were laid and we are looking to find a way to put that in a documentary. So we are here exploring the island, looking for scenes that would reveal what Hamilton’s life in Nevis was like. It will be filmed next year and maybe shown the year after.

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Nevis Premier To Help Students Navigate Ethical Decision Making

Charlestown, Nevis
March 25, 2008

Hon. Premier Joseph Parry and Minister of Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) demonstrated confidence in the Department of Education’s (ED) new initiative to train students to assume leadership rolls and to cultivate more ethically abled teens attending schools on Nevis. He assured the Principal Education Officer Mrs. Jennifer Hodge that he would play a pivotal role during an upcoming training workshop slated for April.
Mrs. Hodge made the announcement in an exclusive interview with the Department of Information where she gave a recent interview to keep the public abreast of important matters taking place in the Primary and Secondary schools on Nevis.
“There’s another initiative that we’re going to implement.  And in all this the Minister for Education, the Hon. Parry has been extremely supportive in as much that he said he wanted to be a part of it. So he will be giving a one hour presentation to interact with our young people and further more, to top it off, he will be hosting a cocktail for them on the 14, of April,” she said.

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