Charlestown Secondary School Receives Record Donation

Michael Webbe Shakes Hands On Donation

Wilthsire (L) & Webbe (R) Shake Hands On Donation
Charlestown, Nevis
June 13, 2008

The Charlestown Secondary School (CSS) was on Friday June 13, 2008, the recipient of a cheque in the amount of EC$25, 000 from the Nevis Multi-Line Services, the largest donation from any single entity.

Former student of CSS and representative of the Nevis Multi-Line Services Mr. Michael Webbe made the donation to the school, while Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Library Services Mr. Joseph Wiltshire accepted the cheque on behalf of the Ministry of Education.

“I want to express the gratitude of the Nevis Island Administration to Mr. Liburd (donor), and Multi-Line Services and it gives me great pleasure in handing over this cheque to the principal Mr. Edson Elliott,” Mr. Wiltshire said.

He also recorded his commitment to the donor, that the money would be used for the sole purpose it was intended.

“I would like to assure Mr. Liburd that this contribution would be used to enhance the library and to ensure that our students have the means by which they can resource and research their work, so that they continue to perform at the high level they have been performing over the years,” he said.

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UNESCO Reinstates St. Kitts – Nevis National Commission



Basseterre, Saint Kitts – Nevis
June 11, 2008 (SKNIS)

The National Commission for UNESCO welcomed several new members Tuesday, as it sets a course to raise its profile and that of UNESCO locally.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Hon. Sam Condor, who is also the Chairman of the Commission, addressed the body calling for individuals to show commitment as they seek to maximize the benefits that can be derived from properly assessing national priorities in the areas which fall under UNESCO’s remit.

UNESCO’s five areas of cooperation and assistance include Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture as well as Communication and Information.

Each member of the National Commission has the responsibility to advise government on their area of expertise. Minister Condor said while there would be opportunities for inter-sectoral collaboration among members with related projects, there was a definite need to delve deeply into their field of expertise to remain abreast of relevant issues.

The Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the rapid evolution of global issues stating that they necessitate a high degree of alertness with sustained concentration on each programme area to ensure that the Federation can develop strategic and proactive projects that fall in line with UNESCO’s procedures and result in benefits to its citizens.

Commenting on the Federation’s recent signing of the “Doping in Sports Convention,” Secretary General of the National Commission For UNESCO Mr. Antonio Maynard, who chaired the meeting, called on members to begin to consider additional United Nations Conventions that would be meaningful to the Federation.

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Charlestown Secondary Receives Resource Center

Charlestown Secondary School - Nevis

Handing Over Ceremony For New Resource Center

Charlestown, Nevis
June 05, 2008

The Charlestown Secondary School (CSS) was on Friday June 06, 2008, the recipient of an English Language Resource Center funded by the First Caribbean International Bank.

The center formed part of an initiative the school had put in place to promote continued learning by developing available facilities.

In a handing over ceremony at the school, Principal Education Officer Mrs. Jennifer Hodge urged students to take advantage of the facility.

“To the students, this resource is an investment in you which I hope will motivate you to use and use well,” she said.

Mrs. Hodge expressed her appreciation to the donors on behalf of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), the Ministry of Education and the CSS.

“We thank you for your symbolic contribution and investment to the children of the Charlestown Secondary School.

“We really appreciate your coming on-board with the students here at the Charlestown Secondary and I know that they are going to make full use of the investment that you have placed in them,” she said.

Principal of CSS Mr. Edson Elliott too expressed gratitude to the First Caribbean International Bank and challenged other businesses to take example from the bank and contribute to the school.

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Minister Hensley Visits Nevisian Students

Nevis Students In Trinidad

Nevis Students In Trinidad

Charlestown, Nevis
June 06, 2008

Minister of Social Transformation in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Hensley Daniel, in a televised interview on NTV’s Channel 8 on June 04, 2008, spoke of the importance of training on his return from a recent trip to Trinidad, where he met with residents of Nevis who were undergoing skills-training there, courtesy of the NIA.

Minister Daniel said the initiative by the Administration was part of its quest to promote and facilitate personal development of the people of Nevis.

“Education and training represent our first priority, our second priority and our third priority,” he said.

Mr. Daniel highlighted that such development could reap great benefits for the trainees and hoped that others would be encouraged to do the same.

“These young men and women are going to be in a position to become entrepreneurs and that is something that we are pushing as well and they are going to be in a position to raise their self esteem.  When you are trained and you are competent in some area, it raise feelings of self worth and builds your confidence and puts them in a position to be role models for other young people,” Mr. Daniel said.

According to the Minister, the team of 17, which consisted of 16 males and one female, were currently being trained in construction and its allied professions as well as in auto-mechanics.

“In discussions with them, they are very, very happy with the course that is being offered to them.  We have trainees in electrical engineering, training in masonry, carpentry and training in auto-mechanics and plumbing and all of these are critical skills needed to underlay the economic and social development of Nevis,” Minister Daniel said.

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