Nevis Citizens Urged To Know Their HIV/ADS Status

Nadine Carty Caines – HIV Coordinator Charlestown, Nevis Decemeber 15, 2008 Residents of Nevis are urged by the Nevis HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit to find out their status. A Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Day will take place on Wednesday, December …

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Nevis HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit Receives Assistance

Nevis Island Receives Aid For HIV/AIDS Program Charlestown, Nevis December 4, 2008 Youth initiatives organized by the Nevis HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit, will be the beneficiaries of an undisclosed monetary contribution from the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Washington DC Chapter. The cheque …

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Christian Council Embraces HIV/AIDS Counseling

St. Kitts - Nevis Health Minister - Rupert Herbert

St. Kitts – Nevis Health Minister – Rupert Herbert
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
October 31, 2008 (SKNIS)

The Ministry of Health through funding from the Pan Caribbean Partnership on HIV/AIDS and UNAIDS has assisted the Christian Council in organizing a workshop designed to sensitize faith-based marriage counselors on issues relevant to HIV/AIDS counseling.

President of the St. Kitts Christian Council, Rev Fr. Isaiah Phillip said his organisation felt that the three-day “Capacity Building for Pre-Marriage Counselors” workshop was necessary.  He said that this was because the earliest work that the faith-based organization did pertaining to HIV/AIDS in the mid 1980s revealed that often the issues pertaining to the pandemic, disease in general, and people’s response, depended on the connection with their faith.  As such, it was felt necessary to increase the information and understanding of the faith leaders in order to make as broad a Christian response as possible to the pandemic.

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Hurricane Cove Bungalows Donates TO HIV/AIDS Program

Kathryn Wyatt of Huuricane Cove Bungalows Donates To HIV/AIDS Program

Kathryn Wyatt (L) of Huuricane Cove Bungalows Donates To HIV/AIDS Program

Charlestown, Nevis
August 27, 2008

The HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit in the Ministry of Health on Nevis, received a US$3,000 donation from a corporate citizen, to help fund public education about the disease on the island.

Manager of Hurricane Hill Bungalows Ms. Kathryn Wyatt presented the cheque on behalf of the owners Althea and Bob Turner, and the Jonty Thomas Fund, to HIV/AIDS Education Prevention Officer on Nevis Mrs. Nadine Carty Caines. The presentation took place on August 26, 2008, on the Island Main Road at the foot of the Pinneys by-pass road.

“On behalf of Caribbean Cove Bungalows and the Jonty Thomas Fund we would like to donate these sign to you and to the HIV/AIDS Foundation and hope the moneys will be put to other good uses,” Ms. Wyatt said.

The Hurricane Cove Bungalow Manager also explained the reason behind the Turners decision to contribute to the fight against HIV/AIDS on Nevis.

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Caribbean Islands Warned About HIV/AIDS

St. Kitts - Nevis PM At HIV/AIDS Confeence

St. Kitts – Nevis PM At HIV/AIDS Confeence
Photo By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
August 07, 2008 (CUOPM)

A warning from St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas at the 17th International AIDS Conference to Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries that it would not be business as usual in their efforts to achieve the goals associated with universal access.

Prime Minister Douglas is also chairman of the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV/AIDS (PANCAP), said while there were many success stories in the HIV/AIDS fight in the Caribbean, several challenges remained.

The Caribbean remains second only to sub-Saharan Africa that has two-thirds or 67 per cent of all people living with HIV worldwide.

UNAIDS says an estimated 20,000 persons in the Caribbean were infected last year with the disease and some 14,000 died of AIDS-related illnesses last year.

“Many successes have been achieved in individual Caribbean countries in areas such as care and treatment and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. However, as a region there is no certainty that we will achieve universal access goals if we continue to do business as usual,”

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