St. Kitts – Nevis Health Minister – Rupert Herbert
Photo By Erasmus Williams
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
October 31, 2008 (SKNIS)
The Ministry of Health through funding from the Pan Caribbean Partnership on HIV/AIDS and UNAIDS has assisted the Christian Council in organizing a workshop designed to sensitize faith-based marriage counselors on issues relevant to HIV/AIDS counseling.
President of the St. Kitts Christian Council, Rev Fr. Isaiah Phillip said his organisation felt that the three-day “Capacity Building for Pre-Marriage Counselors” workshop was necessary. He said that this was because the earliest work that the faith-based organization did pertaining to HIV/AIDS in the mid 1980s revealed that often the issues pertaining to the pandemic, disease in general, and people’s response, depended on the connection with their faith. As such, it was felt necessary to increase the information and understanding of the faith leaders in order to make as broad a Christian response as possible to the pandemic.