Geothermal Energy Site On Nevis
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
April 11, 2011 (CUOPM)
A draft National Energy Policy document will be the focus of consultation at separate forum on Nevis and St. Kitts.
According to the OAS Representative in St. Kitts and Nevis, Mr. Starret Greene, the first forum will be held at the Pinney’s Beach Hotel in Nevis on Tuesday, April 12, and at the Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI) on Thursday, April 14 in partnership with the Ministry of Public Utilities.
The purpose of the forum is to elaborate the Draft National Energy Policy document, prepared by the Ministry of Public Utilities, etc, with OAS support, input of a local consultant and in partnership with a German Agency through the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP), and funded by the European Union.
In this connection, energy stakeholders throughout the Federation have been invited to actively contribute to the discussion of the proposed National Energy Policy (NEP).
The National Energy Policy was designed to clarify the position of the Government of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis regarding the country’s energy development, to foster a legal, institutional and economic framework as well as to create the requisite management mechanisms that will result in bringing about sustainable economic energy activities and services for the benefit of the citizens in the country.
Mr. Greene said given current national and international developments in the energy industry, the NEP has called for a holistic approach to not only address the range of challenges and problems facing the Federation in the energy sector, but also to seek ways and means to make optimum use of the available and emerging opportunities.
The guiding principle of the NEP is �Energy for Sustainable Development.
Representatives from the OAS Department of Sustainable Development at the OAS’s Headquarters in Washington D.C., the local consultant and the Ministry of Public Utilities, Housing, Energy and Works are expected to play a leading role in the discussion of the document.