Sandy Point Residents At Town Hall Meeting
Photo By Erasmus Williams
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
April 27, 2009 (CUOPM)
The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis while it will continue to practice prudent and fiscal responsibility, it will not cut the social programmes that benefit the less fortunate, the elderly, the chronically-ill and children.
“Your children will continue to receive free education. We will continue to provide free transportation to school for those living in the rural areas; the school feeding programme at all primary schools and for some high school students will continue,” Prime Minister Douglas told a packed Town Hall Meeting in the town of Sandy Point, 10 miles west of Basseterre, the capital.
While outlining several measures taken to reduce the cost of living, Prime Minister Douglas pointed out that while some social programmes were stopped in some Caribbean islands, his governing St. Kitts – Nevis Labour administration will continue to pay the examination fees of those students who are writing the CXC and other overseas examinations.
“Students in the primary, secondary and tertiary schools will continue to benefit from free medical attention and dental care. Children as well as students, the chronically-ill and our senior citizens will also receive free medical attention and get their prescription filled. Our senior citizens will also continue to receive the necessary assistance through our home care programme.
Pointing to the effects of the global recession on St. Kitts and Nevis; Prime Minister Douglas noted the measures taken to cushion the impact on the ordinary people including single mothers and those employed on the industrial sites.
He pointed to the removal of customs duty on several food and essential items.
“We, as a government, increased the salaries of civil servants and the pensions of retired public officers, increased the minimum wage and the pensions of social security beneficiaries,” said Prime Minister Douglas, who also mentioned the 50 percent reduction of the electricity surcharge.
“This government will continue to do what it has to do to look after the interest of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. Your government will continue to steer the ship of state to safe ground. Things will be better for all of us,” said Dr. Douglas.