Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
February 01, 2008
Vehicle owners with license plates ending in one (1) who have not licensed their vehicles for 2008 are now in violation of the Motor Vehicle Ordinance requiring such vehicles to be licensed by January 31st.
An official from the Inland Revenue Department explained that there would be strict enforcement of the ordinance by the traffic department to ensure that all vehicles are licensed at the appropriate time.
The Inland Revenue department implemented a new system of licensing approximately five years ago as part of its public service improvement project. Previously all persons regardless of their license plate number were required to license their vehicles in January. This was in addition to persons making all other annual payments at the Inland Revenue Department. The process was extremely time consuming which necessitated the change.
The new system calls for persons to license their vehicles on the month corresponding with the last digit of their license plates. Therefore payments for vehicles with plates ending with the number two are now due. Those vehicles with plates ending with zero should be licensed in October.
Another measure undertaken to improve customer service was the two ““year interval renewal of driver’s licenses based on birth date. The change from January under the new system was immediately welcomed by the public as being significantly more customer friendly and accommodating.