St. Kitts – Nevis Holds Two Day Elder Care Workshop

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis (July 19, 2007)

Supervisor of Social Assistance Anne Wigley has indicated that a two-day workshop organized to train home care officers to conduct physio-therapy with seniors was a great success.

According to Mrs.Wigley, the home care workers were able to learn valuable skills in bringing comfort to the senior citizens they care for.

Course Facilitator Mr. Frank Browne of Nevis explained that physio-therapy can make a world of difference in the level of mobility and energy in seniors as well as to extend their lifespan. He added that it also adds significantly to their comfort.

Browne also showed how it impacts the home care workers experience positively as well since seniors would have increased mobility and be able to do more on their own.

They worked with seniors in practical sessions and so got first hand experience over the two-day period.

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