St. Kitts – Nevis Calls For Voter Registration Confirmation

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
December 27, 2007

Under section 107 of the newly-amended National Assembly Elections Act, the Minister responsible for National Assembly Elections is authorized to declare by Order a registration period during which all previously registered voters are to confirm their registration and obtain a new National Identification Card that will be used for voting on election day.

The general public is hereby informed that such an order dated December 26, 2007 has been issued. By that Order, December 27, 2007 to September 30th 2008 has been declared as the registration period referred to in section 107 of the National Assembly Elections Act.

Therefore, all persons who are presently registered as voters are required to confirm their registration by September 30th, 2008 and obtain their National Identification Card. Registered voters who do not confirm their registration by September 30th, 2008 will have to re-register completely to vote in National Assembly Elections.

Specifically, the Order reads as follows:

The National Assembly Elections (Appointment of Registration) Order, 2007

In exercise of the powers granted to him under section 107 of the National Assembly Elections Act, makes the following Order:

1. Citation: This Order may be cited as the National Assembly Elections (Appointment of Registration Period) Order, 2007.
2. Interpretation: In this Order, the term “Act” means the National Assembly Elections Act, Cap. 162.
3. Appointment of Registration Period: The period dating from  27th December, 2007 to 30th September, 2008, is hereby designated as the registration period referred to in section 107(1) of the Act, during which all persons registered as voters for a constituency pursuant to the  Act shall be required to confirm their registration and be issued with a national identification card in the manner prescribed. 

Dated the 26th day of December, 2007.

Kindly note that the Order is relevant to previously registered persons only. However, during the period identified, the registration of new voters will continue as usual.

It is also important to note that although registration and confirmation of registration will take place, no national ID cards will actually be issued until the regulations governing the issuance of the ID cards are put in place and are fully ventilated in the public domain early in 2008.

Please note that the electoral office in Basseterre is now located on Central Street next to the Development Bank Building. In Charlestown, the electoral office remains at its previous location on Chapel Street.

Office of the Prime Minister
December 27, 2007

1 thought on “St. Kitts – Nevis Calls For Voter Registration Confirmation”

  1. Hi name Vera Lynch and I lived at East Park range Bassetterre St kitts. I am still a Citizens of St. Kitts. How do I go about to get information about Voting. can you please forward the infor. to [email protected] or mail to my home address 30235 SW 161 Ave Homestead Florida 33033
    Thank you in adavnce
    Vera Lynch


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