St. Kitts And Nevis To Host Regional Sports Conference

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis (April 26, 2007)

St. Kitts and Nevis will be the venue for another first, when preparations to host one of the most prestigious sports conferences are complete.

The International Council for Health, Physical Education Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER∙SD) convenes its first Caribbean Conference in St. Kitts and Nevis on May 11 and 12. The Royal St. Kitts Hotel and Casino formerly known as Jack Tar Village Resort is the venue for the event.

Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee Rita Cable told SKNIS that a large number of foreign delegates are expected to attend the two-day meeting being hosted by the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Culture in collaboration with the St. Kitts – Nevis Alliance for Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (SKNASPER).“We expect over 100 regional and international delegates,” Mrs. Cable said, noting that these will include professionals in education, coaching, research and administration as well as sports enthusiasts. Cable explained that the participants will explore the value of sport, physical education and other recreational activities in promoting the well being and development of Caribbean people. She added that this was in keeping with the conference theme which is “Creation Together a New Vision for ICHPER∙SD Caribbean.”

Citing preventable lifestyle diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease as well as high blood pressure and mental stress, Mrs. Cable stressed that the benefits of a healthy nation cannot be undervalued as development weighs heavily on this. As such, she said it was important for locals to attend this conference.

“The registration fee for locals has been kept deliberately low to encourage participation,” the chairperson revealed. “Just EC $150.00 which includes lunch and coffee break for the two day period will get you into the conference,” she added.

Presentations include “Physical Education in the Caribbean” by Dr. Stafford Griffith of the University of the West Indies (UWI), the New CARICOM Education Curriculum by Dr. Morella Joseph and “Confronting Challenges: Self Image and Nutrition, Anti-doping and Coaching Ethics and Young Athletes” by Neil Murrel of the Caribbean Regional Anti-doping Agency and Kate Cowan of the International Alliance for Youth Sport.

Local experience with the HIV/AIDS prevention programme Kicking AIDS Out and Jump Rope for Heart, an obesity prevention initiative, will also be a feature of the meeting. A Panel Discussion on Women in Sport is planned.

Additional information is available from Carol Clarke or Ardis Belle at the St. Kitts Tourism Authority or Dave Connor at the Department of Sport.

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