Premier Reports On Nevis’ Education Progress

Nevis Premier Speaks About Progress In Education

Nevis Premier Speaks About Progress In Education

Charlestown, Nevis
September 01, 2008

Premier of Nevis, the Honourable Joseph Parry addressed the nation on the developments in Education on Friday, August 29th; as Nevis prepares for the beginning of the new school year today, Monday September 1st, 2008.

“I must congratulate the Permanent Secretary in Education, Mr. Joseph Wiltshire, Principal Education Officer, Mrs. Jennifer Hodge her staff at the Department of Education and every head teacher for their sterling efforts of ensuring that they deliver good quality education to the children of Nevis,” articulated Hon. Joseph Parry.

The Premier announced a recorded improvement in the performance of the Primary School students in the Test of Standards and noted this as being quite significant, since the improvement had been registered for every single school on the island.  While congratulating the children and their parents, Premier Parry went on to say that he wants to encourage teachers and parents to boost the children’s confidence by praising them publicly for their good work.

In outlining the school results for 2008, Premier Parry stated that 636 subjects were taken by the students at the Charlestown Secondary School. That was the highest number of subjects done by the school and compares with 609 in 2007 and 426 in 2006. There were 475 subject passes, the same number as last year. In 2006, there were 335 passes. Year by year the percentage pass is as follows: 2006- 78.6%, 2007- 77.9%, 2008- 74.68%.

Twenty ““ four subject courses were offered with passes in all of them.

At Gingerland High School, 448 subjects were done, 367 subjects were passed. This compares to 2007- where 442 subjects were taken and 320 passed; 2006- 351 taken, 215 passed.

The percentage pass rates at Gingerland High School for the past 3 years are as follows: 2008, 81.9%, 2007-72.39%, 2006- 65.54%.

Twenty six subject courses were available with good passes in very subject.

Human and Social Biology was introduced at the Gingerland High School two years ago with eight students obtaining an 87.5% pass rate. This year ten students were entered with 100% passes.

There were 24 students from the Gingerland High School who obtained eight or more subjects at CSEC Level.  Three students passed twelve subjects. As outlined by the Premier, Earline Pemberton passed 12 subjects with 9 distinctions; Careve Williams- 12 subjects with 7 distinctions, Kirtsiyn Herbert- 12 subjects and 4 distinctions, Simone Hill- 10 subjects with 8 distinctions and Arianna Morton  passed 10 subjects and received 7 distinctions.

The Charlestown Secondary School had 20 students who passed eight or more subject passes. Javier Stanley obtained the most subject passes with 12 passes and 11 distinctions, Joanne Flemming obtained 11 subjects with 9 distinctions and Kris Liburd received 11 subjects with 7 distinctions.

In observing the CAPE results, Premier Parry congratulated Agiel Browne for achieving the singularly spectacular feat of passing all her units with all distinctions. He also gave honourable mention to Science student Florelle Hobson, who scored 6 distinctions in her two years at sixth form.

Meanwhile, the Hon. Joseph Parry congratulated First year students Sashia Godet and Michelle Slack who scored three distinctions each, while in their first year programme. Damalie Martin and Nayalia Parry, final year students who achieved three distinctions each in their final year at the Sixth Form were also recognised for their hard work.

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