Nevis Investment Promotion Agency Launches New Website

Know The Risks Before Investing

Know The Risks Before Investing

Charlestown, Nevis
April 09, 2013

The Nevis Investment Promotion Agency (NIPA) has a new website. The announcement came on April 08, 2013 by Officer in Charge Ms. Kimone Moving.

According to Ms. Moving, the new website offers quick and easy access to essential information on investment opportunities in Nevis from international financial services to alternative energy.

“The website boasts a modern, colourful design and is divided into seven sections: who we are, what we do, why invest in Nevis, investment opportunities, an investment guide, press and a downloadable resource area.

“The website’s user-friendly nature provides users with efficient access to investment opportunities on all sectors in Nevis. Other new functions will include a promotional video and photo gallery. The website can be accessed by visiting , she said”

The Nevis Investment Promotion Agency was set up by the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) to create an investor friendly environment which facilitated the ease of doing business by being the investor’s point of contact in matters related to investment opportunities in Nevis.

It was also given the mandate to explore, attract and promote investment opportunities that would stimulate economic growth and contribute positively to the island’s long term development.

NIPA is a member of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and operates under the mission:  “To provide the intelligence, the tools and the support necessary for investors to exceed their financial objectives on the island of Nevis”.

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