NIA Cabinet Secretary – Ashley Farrell
Charlestown, Nevis
March 21, 2011
“The NRP-government takes transparency, accountability and reporting to Nevisians very seriously,” said the Nevis Island Administration’s [NIA] Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Ashley Farrell, during a recent interview at his Bath Hotel office.
Mr. Farrell was at the time explaining the details of a weekend-long trip to Anguilla and St. Maarten involving Premier of Nevis the Honourable Joseph Parry, Deputy Premier the Honourable Hensley Daniel and Attorney General the Honourable Patrice Nisbett.
The government ministers, backed by a three-member support team, participated in a series of meetings that addressed the developmental projects in Nevis as well as the government’s immediate plans.
“We see it from the NRP-government’s standpoint as a golden opportunity and as part of a process where we report to our people, not only at home, but also abroad,” Mr. Farrell said, adding that “tremendous benefits would come.”
“It’s an opportunity for the government to report to Nevisians living in these two islands and at the same time, hear from them because as you very well know, there are many stories that go to Nevisians abroad. This is the government’s opportunity to set the record straight,” he explained
The overseas nationals, Mr. Farrell said, “will be able to hear first-hand what is happening. They will be able to get certain misgivings, certain misapprehensions, certain misunderstandings cleared up.”
Among the activities was a radio call-in programme on PJD2 where Premier Parry addressed the concerns of Nevisians residing on St. Maarten.
The call-in programme, Mr. Farrell said, provided the “same kind of communication to overseas Nevisians as resident Nevisians.”
“They [Nevisians in St. Maarten] will be able to understand what is happening in the country. This is an opportunity, not just to see the Premier via computer, but to actually be there to interact with the Deputy Premier as well as the Honourable Patrice Nisbett,” Mr. Farrell explained.
While on St. Maarten, Premier Parry met with the Prime Minister and the island’s Minister of Justice.
A similar meeting was held on Anguilla with the Chief Minister and his Minister of Energy.