The Cuban National Flag
Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
May 07, 2010
The Government of the Republic of Cuba through its St. Kitts and Nevis-based Embassy, is inviting applications for 10 medical scholarships to be taken at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba. The scholarships are specifically for five males and five females and a selection committee will choose the recipients.
Applicants must be below the age 25 and posses at least a High School Certificate of Higher Studies to qualify for University courses and must be below the age of 17 and posses at least a 9th Grade Graduate Certificate of Middle-Level Technician to qualify for middle-level technical courses. Applicants must also come from a low-income family, be HIV negative, not pregnant and have no criminal records.
Application Deadline is May 30, 2010 and interested persons can contact the Human Resources Department at 467-1036 or 467-1323 to fill out the appropriate application form and for further information.