CADRES Says PAM Will Not Win Five Seats

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Labour Party Remains Strong In Polls

Basseterre, St. Kitts – Nevis
December 23, 2009 (CUOPM)

Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES) said Tuesday that reports on WINN FM and SKN Vibes that its recent poll showed that “PAM can win 5 out of 8 seats” is entirely untrue and is inconsistent with the CADRES Press Release dated Monday 7th December which stated that “if an election were called in November, the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) which would have retained all the seats it previously held.

In a statement issued from Barbados on Tuesday, Peter Wickham said he agreed to an interview with WINN FM in which he stated that the SKNLP’s support had grown since CADRES’ last poll in July of 2009 and that Labour’s support had tightened to the point where it could now confidently defend all of the seats it held on the mainland.

The statement noted that Wickham assumed that the WINN FM reporter appreciated the simplicity of his arguments and the fact that he was making reference to an earlier opportunity that was overtaken by current events.

He also assumed that the WINN FM reporter would not have manipulated his statements in either the electronic format or by his own deliberate misinterpretation.

“This was clearly not the case and it is most unfortunate that media agencies which have some amount of credibility in St. Kitts would engage in what can only be described as propagandistic activities; especially where a clearly worded Press Release is in the public domain that easily contradicts the reporter’s assessment,” said the statement.

CADRES said that it is familiar with these types of political games that are sadly the norm in St. Kitts since in 2004 the People’s Action Movement (PAM) also introduced a fictitious CADRES survey which purported to suggest that it was leading at that time.

“The reality both then and now is; however very different and while CADRES has no vested interest in either outcome, we are concerned that our statements speak frankly to the “political truth,” said the statement.

CADRES encouraged the public of St. Kitts and Nevis that have an interest in the evolving political situation to follow carefully the text of CADRES Press Releases which it makes public from time to time.

“These statements will always be honest, clinical and will emanate from Bridgetown and not come from the PAM Secretariat like this most recent bit of misinformation along with the 2004 bogus poll,” said the CADRES statement.

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