Saint Kitts – Nevis Wedding Requirements

  1. Couples can get married on the third day that either the bride or groom is on either St. Kitts or Nevis.
  2. Both parties must have either a valid passport or birth certificate.  If either party is divorced, a decree absolute must be presented.  If documents are not in English they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.
  3. If the ceremony is to be performed by a Catholic priest, it must take place in a Catholic Church, and a letter must come from the couple’s resident priest verifying that they are known and unmarried, and have received the necessary instructions.
  4.  If an Anglican or other minister of religion is to perform the ceremony, a letter must come from the couple’s resident minister verifying that they are known and unmarried

For the most recent information on getting married in Nevis contact one of the hotels or the Department of Legal Affairs on 869.465.2521

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