A Fish Caught At The 2008 Tournament
Reggae Beach Bar
St. Kitts – Nevis, West Indies
October 14, 2009
After a highly successful Nevis Fishing Tournament just a couple of weeks ago, it is now time for the 2009 St. Kitts Fishing Tournament. As always Gary Pereira does a great job of oraganizing and hosting this event. There is always a good rivalry between the sister islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, so you will be sure to want to enter into the competition.
Gary sent me his latest information on the tournament, along with the rules and registration forms. I have links to this document both in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format below. Be sure to register early to avoid disappointment!
From Gary:
Hi all,
Its that time again for the fisherman`s exam, the St.Kitts Sport Fishing Tournament November 29, 2009. Lots of fun and great prizes to be had.
Get your lines rods in ready condition and your hooks sharpened , remember this is two days before the full moon so watch out !!!
Please see the attached forms,
Gary Pereira